Deep beneath the streets of Akihabara lies an underground battlefield known as “Valhalla Garden.” High school girl and widely popular idol Maki Amagami is the latest victim dragged to the erotic, violent world of this battlefield after her company’s president sold her off. In her first fight against the legendary Anna “Viper” Ridgway, Maki learns the truth of Valhalla Garden: it’s not only a place where girls wrestle -- it’s where their opponent gropes, licks, and erotically touches them everywhere! Will Maki be able to unlock her sexual charms to be able to survive this new world of wrestling?
Kei and Yuri, known as the Lovely Angels–or the notorious Dirty Pair, depending on who you ask–work as “trouble consultants” for the galactic Worlds Welfare and Works Association (WWWA). But in their pursuit of space-wide justice, they cause space-wide disaster! The chaotic (and strangely successful) exploits of these interstellar agents have charmed audiences since their debut in 1980. For the first time ever, this manga adventure for the iconic pair–created in Japan as a retelling of the first light novel–will be available in English, contained entirely in one omnibus!
Youkadou, a young man working at a certain office is in love with Seiyuu, an extremely beautiful coworker of his. She is in a long-distance relationship with her boyfriend, but she agrees to go out with him with one condition: they'll never have sex.
The unsuspected newbie of the Police Investigation Division One, Detective Hinari was dispatched to deliver a sample to the forensic lab. There he encountered researcher, Yasoshima Shiro, who reminded Hinari of his first love, a gentle police captain. Immediately smitten at first sight, Yasoshima lured Hinari with a DNA lecture and preyed on the still innocent Hinari! As much as Hinari hated to admit it, he wasn't entirely unaffected by Yasoshima. Will Hinari be able to resist the quirky scientist!? A delicate yet comical love story!
She is a famous idol. On the other hand, I am just a nerd. We have to keep our relationship a secret.
This comic is about a cosplay cafe and the cute and loveable characters working there
Akiyoshi Wataru is your average student. He attends cram school, hangs out with his friends and does what boys his age do: Go after girls. One day a particular girl, Iwashita Ayane, catches his attention in cram school, because of her red fingernail. Later in town he sees a familiar girl and follows her. But the girl enters an image club. A brothel that specializes on cosplay. What's more, one of the girls working there goes by the name of "Ayane". What does that mean? And what will Wataru do?
While trying to save a cat, Mei literally falls into Akihiko's arms, also breaking his glasses in the process. To pay him back, Mei gets a part-time job at the store where Akihiko works. This might just be the start of a very sweet love story.
Song Tae-ha becomes the next boss of the organization due to the sudden death of the boss of the Beomseo faction. One day, he sees the broken state of his rival, Tak Hee-do, who was working in the same organization. Tae-ha, who is overcome by strange feelings towards him, ends up making a secret suggestion... "Then suck my di**. If you do, I will help you get out of your gutter-like life."+