In the year 2008, high school girl Sakura Minamoto is abruptly killed in a traffic accident. Ten years later, Sakura, along with six "legendary" girls from various eras of Japan's history, are brought back as zombies by a man named Kotaro Tatsumi, who seeks to save the Saga prefecture by putting together an all-zombie idol group.
Year 3666 AD, Judgement Day has arrived upon the planet. Only two children survived, Wu Yue and Xue Yan, and the two became integral parts of the divine battleforce to defeat the great Devil of Lament. With the odds against them, Xue Yan announces she will marry whoever can defeat the demon and restore peace in the universe. 30,000 years after succeeding the near-impossible feat of killing the Devil of Lament, Wu Yue finds Xue Yan once again to claim her hand in marriage. With a twist of fate, Xue Yan tells him she cannot fulfill the promise for she was now betrothed to a higher divinity. Was all Wu Yue's effort and patience all for naught?
Chu Mu, a young man from the Chu family, encounters betrayal from his soul pet, leading to his family’s downfall. Pursued by enemies, he is captured and bound to Nightmare Island, forced to serve as a slave feeding the terrifying White Nightmare within him. Any misstep could result in his soul being devoured with no burial ground. To survive and seek revenge, Chu Mu must grow stronger. Fortunately, Chu Mu forms a contract with a mutated Moonlight Fox soul pet, naming it Mo Ye. With Nightmare Island as his starting point, Chu Mu will script the tale of the strongest soul pet master.
The manga will adapt Harumi Fujino's "Nanashi Series" online occult horror stories. The stories center on the protagonist Haru (a pseudonym for the author), and his friend Kyousuke "Nanashi" Nanashima, who possesses strange powers.
Rindo Kurosawa is a man who loves horror films and aims to become "king of films", the top of the filming world with horror films. One day, he receives a master tape from Robert Skye, a master of the horror film's world whom he deeply admires. However, this is the beginning of a strange fate for Rindo, as Skye's unfinished work "Axeman" appears from the tape...! In order to realize his ambition, Rindo throws himself into a deadly battle with the "Kinema" who lurk behind the scenes of the film industry...
Youkai are specters who have lived in the human world since the dawn of time. They often rest peacefully in their dwelling places, until humans rouse them by inconsiderate actions. Kitaro is a young youkai boy who wants to help humans and youkai live in harmony, and he fights to protect humans from the enraged youkai who lash out at them.The English translation here is passed on the completed 46 volume collected version. For reference: 4-5 have been published in English in Kitaro (2013)The other 7 collections collect some of the chapters translated here.-That's why Hokuto no Gun and Happyscan! chapters aren't here.
The port town of Sukuba was hit by a huge wave caused by a monster that suddenly appeared from the sea. The inactive monster dissolved into the sea and became a rich source of nutrients for fish and shellfish. As a result, Sukuba's economy thrived. The monster started to be called Gaea-Tima, the god of the harvest.A young girl, Yako Morinomiya, a victim of the disaster, made a doll of Gaea-Tima, as a memento of the event, which was sold as a souvenir and became a popular item. However, for the first time in 10 years, a monster appears in the reconstructed town of Sukuba...Is this monster a friend or foe of mankind?
"I promise to come back and save you from this hell and make you happy." Eight years have passed since Daniela finally made her promise to the boy. But what the boy has become is different from what she can imagine. "He became a killer?"
Just the extraordinarily unfortunate life of a high school boy… but misfortune isn't all that's extraordinary about him.
"There is a secret organization that tries to monopolize power by using geniuses who want to kill!"Do Mado, a veteran who suffers from a paranoia of murder after entering the war, suddenly found himself at a psychiatric counseling center where he visited for treatment He gives a business card with a mysterious phone number, saying that he is a genius at the highest level in Korea. He dialed that number, and the agent connected told Mado to choose the post-processing service he wantedIt gives you four points... one assault, two kidnappings, three robberies and four murders.
Yuko Natsuki, a rookie reporter for an occult magazine, sees a girl's spirit in a "cursed apartment" she visited for coverage. Rei Aiko, the spirit of a girl who massacres humans who step into the apartment. In a curse stretched like a spider web, Aiko continues to grow on the death of humans. Is there any way for Yuko to survive the curse!? The manga adaptation of the popular suspense horror novel from the novel posting site estar! (Author changed his name in 2018 from 快紗瑠 to 藤白 圭, it's the same person) Author Twitter: Artist Twitter:
The 3rd from the "Kuro Hakubutsukan" series, after "Springald" and "Ghost and Lady."