The bustling metropolis called Yakusoku, known to many as the "City of Promise," is filled with chaos and mischief. Gang warfare, government corruption, and the supernatural all run rampant across this plagued community. In the midst of it all, a rabbit loving bounty hunter, a young billionaire, a normal high school student, and those aligned with them will have their lives intertwined whether it's by choice or by chance. There will be people to meet, battles to fight and mysteries to solve. If we're being honest, some of you are just here to hang out, and that's cool too. We hope you enjoy your stay, but don't say we didn't warn you.
Love filled with murderous intent-- When Kamishiro Taku met his unrequited love Hanazono Mika, he saw a vision where he tried to murder Hanazono by stabbing her throat with an umbrella. In a harsh and cruel world he lives in, will his defiance bring him hope or despair?
The life of an ordinary 25 years old girl suddenly takes a turn for the worse when she becomes a waitress in a restaurant for killers.
You lead quite a nice life... Competing with your friends... Having a childhood-almost-girlfriend, who is coming back to town... All dreams starting to come true... when the ground suddenly shakes and a shelf drops on your head.... Well... You hit your head just now, so it'd be quite... reasonable that everything went nuts and people get eaten before your eyes, wouldn't it?
Based on a popular game from Niconico. Sara Chidouin returns home from school late one night to discover that something's gone terribly wrong. When she comes to, she finds herself, her friend Joe, and 9 other people trapped in a mysterious place. Placed in life-and-death situations, they must come to an agreement about what they should do - and who should die. Link to the original game. (Free, translated to english, and can be played in browser)
A woman enters a furniture store in search of a chair, but the proprietor is all too eager to reveal its past...
Geeko's weird, creepy, friendless classmate Nero has destroyed all of their mutual classmates, perverting them into her grotesque, monstrous minions. Now she's sending them after Geeko, the only survivor. However, Geeko is setting out, dressed in her skimpy school uniform and armed with a big chainsaw, to end Nero's mad science, no matter how many undead former friends she has to saw down on the way.
Sequel to Shokuryou Jinrui: Starving Anonymous, this new story takes place in a normal school, in a normal classroom, with normal classmates. But something is off, and there is an unidentifiable anxiety in the air.
More collections of chilling short stories dealing with urban legends, ghosts and superstitions all organized around a specific theme (School, Visitors etc.).
The ugliness behind city glamour. Playboy Ondal lives a life of wooing women and seeing ghosts. His curiosity is piqued when he hears about a serial murderer involving the supernatural, and his investigation leads him to a widow who had lost her husband in a similar manner years ago. Ready to face the truth, he hears her story.
It's a collection of very short and mostly atmospheric stories dealing with urban legends, ghosts and superstitions all organized around a specific theme (School, Visitors etc.).Some are just two pages long.
From Fantasyshrine: Since he first met Baron Kuroba, Seiji has been secretly in love with the master of the Kuroba Manor, where servants were rumored to be attacked by a vampire. However, Baron Kuroba only sees Seiji as a lap dog that needs to be disciplined for his carnal pleasures. How can Seiji convince the baron, who doesn’t believe in love, to love him back?