In the year 2008, high school girl Sakura Minamoto is abruptly killed in a traffic accident. Ten years later, Sakura, along with six "legendary" girls from various eras of Japan's history, are brought back as zombies by a man named Kotaro Tatsumi, who seeks to save the Saga prefecture by putting together an all-zombie idol group.
Shigure Konno is getting bullied in class. One day, however, she leaves her physical body and is able to enter the world of spirit. Shigure can now look inside people's minds, discover their innermost secrets and even manipulate them.... When the seeds of trouble sown in the hearts of good citizens blossom, bizarre incidents will happen... "Six Consciousnesses Thought Changing Ataraxia" marked Kago's third version of the concept of a girl entering a cyberspace-like psychic realm wherein she can "hack" people. He first utilized it in "Soul Diver Saga: Nirvana" (1992), only three chapters of which were published before the magazine serializing it (Bandai's Cyber Comix) stopped publication. In 1995, Kago published a much less sexually explicit one-shot simply titled "ataraxia" in Young Jump (later collected in "Hannya Haramita") before this expanded and much kinkier version followed in 2000/2001. Additionally, various characters from this manga appear in other stories by Kago, some of them collected in "Super-Dimensional Love Gun".+
The comic tells the story of an atheistic teenager Jiang Chengfeng who, by accident, acquired a magical power. With this power, he can easily resolve the most terrifying and fearful events in the world. This time, the mission is to rescue a missing boy, and the location is the horrifying Kun Kunyan! See how he passes through all the way! Fighting evil spirits! Don't pretend to be a ghost! Otherwise, they will all burst!
Collection of short stories published in Ghostly Magazine Yoo over the years.
Another Seven stories adapted from the horror of Hokazono Masaya. This is a continuation of it's prequel, Aka Ihon.
An incomplete first volume was published in 2009. The series was finished and a complete anthology was published in 2016.
Chihiro Furuya is a male high-school student having a keen fascination with zombies, collection zombie-associated videogames, movie and manga, and even to the idea of wanting to "kiss a zombie girl". After the departure of his pet cat, Babu, he tries to resurrect an old manuscript, which describes the procedure for making a potion for resurrection being used by it. Only at that time, he sees a girl named Rea Sanka, who has runaway at home. In a effort to commit suicide, she drinks an example of the "resurrection" potion that is made in the toxic Hydrangea macrophylla bloom, even though this fails to eliminate her. Following a disagreement with her dad, she dies and falls from a cliff by accident. Nevertheless, as an effect of the potion, she becomes. The storyline follows the existence of Chihiro and his new 'zombie girl-friend'.
From Tokyopop: A smoke-filled alley in Chinatown harbors Count D's Pet Shop. The pets sold here aren't your everyday variety and the Count prides himself on selling Love and Dreams in the form of magical creatures that come with an exclusive contract. But buyers beware. If the contract is broken the Count cannot be held accountable for whatever may happen. A fascinating and macabre look into the very soul of human nature.
"Don't they know this is the only way to save the world?""...That they do.""So why would they stop us?""Because they so used to exploiting...""Then what shall we do?""Give them a very tiny bit shocking from the zombies."
Coming out of the depths of our minds after a slow agony, nightmares have come to life. Driven by the sole desire to destroy their hosts, these monsters with their multiple forms have become a plague to be eradicated.Faced with this threat, the Holy See has founded the Epeira caste, which it erects as its armed wing, now the only ray of hope in a world of darkness.Arane took the oath to this order and became one of its most renowned members. The famous dream hunter known to all as the Boogeyman .