The story revolves around three teenagers: Nomiya Tomomi, a high school dropout, Togawa Kiyoharu, an ex-sprinter who now plays wheelchair basketball and Takahashi Hisanobu, a popular leader of the high school's basketball team who now finds himself a paraplegic after an accident. Real features a cast of characters who find themselves being marginalized by society, but are all united by one common feature: a desire to play basketball, with no place to play it in. Nomiya, being a high school dropout, has no future in his life. Togawa, being a difficult personality, finds himself constantly feuding with his own teammates. Takahashi, once a popular team leader, now finds himself being unable to move from the chest down. Real also deals with the reality of physical disabilities, and the psychological inferiority that the characters struggle against. The characters break through their own psychological barriers bit by bit.
[From Del Rey]: Ryousuke Akiba calls himself ES, a code name taken from a mysterious scientific experiment. Ryousuke will live to be at least two centuries old and possesses strange mental powers: He can enter people's minds, discover their darkest secrets, even rearrange their memories so that complete strangers will treat him like family. Ryousuke acts not out of malice but for survival-wandering Tokyo for reasons known only to him. No one recognizes him for what he is . . . until Dr. Mine Kujyou, a determined researcher, meets someone who challenges everything she knows about science- ES, possessor of the Eternal Sabbath gene. But is he the only one?
From ShoujoMagic: High school freshmen and twins, Nae and Moe, and Ken and Takeshi, enjoy their lives as students and close friends. Until Moe suddenly dies in a traffic accident...and her corpse disappears? Between the vanishing corpse and a pharmaceutical corporation, her three remaining friends are struck with the reality that something is amiss in their world...
Another work by Reiko Shimizu, or rather her newest. This series is a disturbing manga about solving murder cases by applying the newly developed method of viewing the memory of dead people's brains. And as in every manga done by this mangaka, weird supernatural forces are of course included. The first chapter is actually a prologue and is concentrated on the first case where this method was used. Chapter 2 is when the two main characters are introduced, so hang on! NOTE: There is a related anime with episodes based on selective chapters from the manga.
Hunters are a special breed, dedicated to tracking down treasures, magical beasts, and even other men. But such pursuits require a license, and less than one in a hundred thousand can pass the grueling qualification exam. Those who do pass gain access to restricted areas, amazing stores of information, and the right to call themselves Hunters. Gon discovers that his father was a famous Hunter, and so he embarks on a journey to find his father, meeting reliable friends and going on dangerous missions as well.
The main character is a detective, Kazuhiko Amamiya, suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder (a.k.a. Dissociative Identity Disorder). Starting out as a violent detective series with a twist (the twist being the variant personalities that take over Detective Amamiya at various intervals), the series evolves into an exceptionally complex and involved sci-fi conspiracy story.
A collection of five short stories set between Universal Century 0079-0093 and features the return of Frederick Brown introduced in the original Mobile Suit Gundam: Record of MS Wars.
After the abduction of his brother Kotaro by the Machine Empire, Teppei Takamiya joins forces with X, one of several highly-advanced, artificially intelligent machines known as B\'ts (pronounced \'beat\'), to rescue him. Volume Subtitles: 1: **X Revival!** (エックス復活!, Ekkusu Fukkatsu!) 2: **Far Way to the Area** (エリアへの遠い道, Eria e no Tōi Michi) 3: **Heart Color** (心の色, Kokoro no Iro) 4: **Five Color Phosphorescence** (五色の燐光, Goshiki no Rinkō) 5: **The Seven Greatest Demons** (最凶の七魔将, Sai Kyō no Nana Ma Shō) 6: **Fragment of the Sun** (太陽のかけら, Taiyōnokakera) 7: **Song of an Angel** (天使の詩, Tenshi no Uta - ALT ENG. Angel\'s Poem) 8: **Forest of Oblivion** (忘却の森, Bōkyaku no Mori) 9: **Nightmare Battlefield** (悪夢の戦場, Akumu no Senjō) 10: **Blood Battle! Kamui Island** (血戦!神居島, Kessen! Kamui-Jima) 11: **Area Collapse** (エリア崩壊, Eria Hōkai) 12: **Shellfish** (貝えぬもの, Kai Enu Mono) 13: **Deathmatch of Intelligence** (智力の死闘, Chiryoku no Shitō) 14: **Faithfulness** (信しる心, Shin Shiru Kokoro) 15: **Hurry Light!** (光よ急げ!, Hikari yo Isoge!) 16: Note: Volume count based on the bunkoban. Link: [AnimeNewsNetwork]( (anime)
Short story collection. 1. Iguana no Musume: A girl develops a complex about herself after her mother thinks of her as a hideous iguana.
Chubby and plain, Taeko\'s biggest worry is whether she\'ll ever have the courage to tell her crush how she feels. Then one day a mysterious cousin comes to stay and Taeko\'s world is shattered. Cast out of her own home after her mother\'s death, Taeko stumbles into the night and is hit by a truck. When she wakes up, she\'s greeted by a doctor who promises to turn her life around. And thus begins a tale of revenge and intrigue that\'s a roller coaster of cracked out soap opera fun from start to finish.
Collection of short works by Mitsuhashi Otoya published in Garo: B氏の気がかりな待 (B SHI NO KIGAKARINA MACHI) The Killers ムーンライト (Moonlight) シグナルムーンデイ (Signal Moon Day) 巻貝を飼う男 (MAKIGAI O KAU OTOKO) 力さん (TSUTOMU SAN) 川の向う (KAWA NO MUKŌ) えはがき童話 (E HAGAKI DŌWA) 月 (TSUKI) 恋 (KOI) 初子の欲情 (HATSUNE NO YOKUJŌ) やうやう白くなり行く (YAUYAU SHIROKU NARĪKU) 深夜 (SHINYA) 天涯1 (TENGAI 1) 天涯3 (TENGAI 3) 天涯4 (TENGAI 4) 路傍の石 (ROBŌ NO ISHI) ぎらぎら (GIRAGIRA)