The story follows antique store worker Imagawa, aging doctor Kuonji, and writer Sekiguchi, who are all fascinated by mysterious events happening in Hakone, including a series of murders of Buddhist monks and a little girl in a kimono who wanders through the mountains. Tesso no Ori is an adaptation of the fourth novel of Kyogoku Natsuhiko's Hyakki Yakou series.
The "Noisy Fairy Squadron, a secret unit under the direct control of Kycilia Zabi of the Principality of Zeon, is deployed somewhere in the North American continent. With only female members, they fight in the One Year War against the Earth Federation Forces. They are forced to face the unreasonableness of war and the bonds with their comrades...
The Summary is updating... The Kaiji series is divided into five parts: 1. Tobaku Mokushiroku Kaiji 2. Tobaku Hakairoku Kaiji 3. Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji 4. Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji - Kazuya Hen 5. Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji - One Poker Hen
Wandering the packed tunnels of Shinjuku Station, famous author Yosuke Mikura makes a strange discovery: a seemingly homeless drunk woman who can quote French poetry. Her name is Barbara. He takes her home for a bath and a drink, and before long Barbara has made herself into Mikura's shadow, saving him from egotistical delusions and jealous enemies. But just as Mikura is no saint, Barbara is no benevolent guardian angel, and Mikura grows obsessed with discovering her secrets, tangling with thugs, sadists, magical curses and mythical beings - all the while wondering whether he himself is still sane. + Rurouni Kenshin manga + Heroman manga
Mizuki is a first year high school student and bored with her daily life and immersed in her studies. She runs away from home during spring break to visit her aunt Yuki, who runs a coffee shop in Akita. One day, she accompanies her aunt to a local high school to make a delivery. A coming-of-age story dedicated to eight minutes of music and movement in the marching band.
A reboot of the award winning series Zekkyou Gakkyuu, with brand new stories.
From the author of “Sensei’s White Lie” comes a new, shocking piece. Kaji Ritsuko, an author of short stories, finds herself unable to write. On a certain day, a remnant from Ritsuko’s past reemerges. Aoi, a male friend she used to completely confide in, appears in a dream and asks her, “Your life… is that really it?”. The next morning, Ritsuko is awakened by a phone call. Aoi has committed suicide. The glimmer of a forgotten dream, the day-to-day of a modern couple, the death of someone irreplaceable… A life of “loss” that she had always averted her eyes from begins to move…
Saki comes from a poor family and leads a boring life filled with constant studying. She worries about her relationship with her parents not ending well and any lingering backlash caused by their fights. One day, she happens upon a group of troublemakers who pressures her into smoking a cigarette. Somehow, her relationship with them turns out to be more pleasant than expected. The time she spends with them makes her alive and revitalized. However, this is only the beginning of her unfortunate life. A tragic suspense story about a young girl falling from grace.
To the misunderstood Seon who stole the class membership fee, Marie makes a strange suggestion instead of holding him responsible. Was it a helping hand? Winner of the Best Promoting Competition on Earth!
"A Party Cure" takes place in 1996, when strange events began to unfold in Tells Newhour, the number of Deviants - people who had obtained abilities through murder - is on the rise. It did not go unnoticed by the special forces of the town "Cat Mafia".
Given the chance to relive a crucial event, Ranran tries to prevent the death of his late brother’s boss, Mr. Zheng, only to fail in the final stretch. Little does he know, the deaths of his brother and Mr. Zheng are connected, and his trip back in time isn’t as simple as it may seem...
Koboreta Milk ga Kawaku Mae ni summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Koboreta Milk ga Kawaku Mae ni. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.