The story revolves around junior high schoolers Sayaka and Tomo. Sayaka is under extreme pressure at home, and Tomo is secretly living an alternate life as 'Pochi', his mom's pet dog. They become friends after an accidental meeting, and although they lead very different lives, they quickly become each other's main support.
From Blissful Sin: 1, 2 + 5) Shoujo Mangaka no Koi (Adapted from the original oneshot) “If I could be of any help, would you want to try it?” To help incorporate boy’s love elements into his work, the unpopular shoujo mangaka Akimoto Yuu and his editor, Kurata, decide to carry out their own experiment. The story of an awakening love that is embarrassing but warm. 3) Passionate Pen Pals 4) Tokyo Hotel Afterword
Kit Smith, honoring her father's dying wish, has moved to London to pose as the niece of Rose Singleton, a member of the ton. Kit can't imagine what influence her gambler father exerted to bring about Kit's introduction into polite society. Hugo Devinish, a second son, went to sea as a cabin boy and is now a prosperous merchant and ship captain. He decides to attend a party in town to check up on an heiress that his young nephew is courting. Meeting Hugo at a party, Kit wonders why he wishes to dance with her—until she overhears him explaining his mission to a friend. Kit muses that they must be talking about her. So, the family watchdog has been dispatched to investigate her, eh? Kit thinks it's not very charitable of him to describe her as "a chit with more hair than conversation." But more than that, she wonders why he thinks she's an heiress? Still, if he wishes to dance with a simpering simpleton, she can well oblige him!
From NagareBoshi: Mai Kojima is a slightly ditzy 16 year old. She’s gotten her first boyfriend! They’ve been dating for 3 months. Even though they should be at their most lovey-dovey, they haven’t been able to make out at all… That’s because her boyfriend Yu-kun is a super exam-taking student aiming for T-University. Every day is an uneasy one without much hugging or kissing. "Come on, I wanna do more lovey-dovey stuff!!"
KUMASHIRO Ai (14-years-old) is an energetic and friendly middle schooler. Her childhood friend, Kotarou, is a goofy, 15-years-old guy who dreams of being a movie director. One day, on her way home from school, she finds an interesting looking "toy" and decides to take it home. The next morning, she finds an "alien" right next to her!! All the "alien" can say is "Woo, Woo." What's Ai going to do with it!?
From CoyoMoose: Lose a game of jan-ken-pon and you have to confess to the guy you love?! From that game on starts the pain, smiles, and tears of confession in this omnibus series!
Its pretty much a oneshot about a girl who just about to transfer schools but a guy kisses her thinking it was something to mess with her but was he truely messing with her that is the question, read on!! Oneshot about a girl, named Hitomi, who is transfering schools. But right before she leaves, her crush Matsunaga decides to play with her. So is he really just messing with her or is there a reason behind the jokes?
The story about Caramel Theater, their owners and workers with different personalities! Love, friendship and family will tie them together or make them want to strangle each other!
A collection of sweet love stories. 1. Honey Moon As her father married again, Mio has a stepbrother. Surprisingly, he is Junpei whom she has been in one-sided love with. The situation complicated her feelings, but they began to live together. Now Mio and Jumpei have to spend three weeks alone. 2. Best Position 3. Cool 4. Last Scene
From Manga-Heaven: Jinna Amakura was a typical, if not a bit stingy, high school boy. Typical, that is, until he died. Or... at least he was supposed to die, but he didn't. Jinna is now considered by the powers that be as a "Soul Irregular". Enter Nagi. Nagi is a Grim Reaper on her first job - to kill Jinna and return his soul to the proper cycle of life and death. If she fails, she will be turned into her favorite dessert and eaten by the head of the Angels of Death. Not only does her job start off as worse as it possibly could, but Nagi and Jinna form an almost friendly, if not unusual relationship... just wait till her boss finds out...
I was strangled to death by my cheating husband when I asked for a divorce.I thought that would be the end of my painful life."I’m young...?"When I opened my eyes again, I went back to being a powerless, mute 12 year old daughter of a count.My uncle who was watching for an opportunity to swallow the count.An audacious housemaid who thinks that they’ve become the owner.Furthermore, a maid who steals mother's belongings?'I won't live like this again, I can't!'One life spent being used, suffering, and dying in vain was enough.Those who made my life torture.'I will delete them all from my life.'---**Links:**- (
As war rages between heaven and hell, a forbidden love blooms between an angel and a demon soldier.