Himoto Sora is a transfer student with a sense of justice and dreams of becoming a knight. Upon arriving at Utopia Gakuen, she learns of a virtual reality-like game played by the male students in which they use girls as weapons in battles for status and treat them as commodities. Seeing one of these girls being abused she steps in and through some sort of error unwittingly becomes the first female participant of the game.
The story revolves around Taiga who doesn't have memories from more than two years ago after his parents died in an accident. He lives with his sister, Tsubame, who he finds out is from outer space with the job of protecting him as he posses the Origin Heart.
A mysterious monster called the High Beast, has taken control of the regions of Eurasia and Africa. Japan has cut off from the mainland to protect itself from this threat. The daughter of a legendary mahjong player discovers that monsters attack whenever a mahjong piece is hit across the board. This allows humans to be separated from the battle and for mahjong players to effectively combat the monsters with robots controlled through mahjong moves.
A sequel to Remix Heart that ties in what happens to Mai after the events in the manga and bridges the story for her appearance in Blazblue Central Fiction
"I'm jealous of you..." A girl from a robot club in a wheelchair, Futagami Yui, looks up to heroes and wants to create one, so she enlists the help of an underclassman, the talented AI architect Kazumiya Reina, to build an android together. When it's almost finished and only the AI needs to be sorted out, someone kidnaps Reina. Yui curses her inability to do anything because of her legs and resolves to perform an illegal "mind copy" to save her junior... This is the log of adolescence of girls living in a world where humans and androids coexist.
Science fiction manga series about the discovery of a gateway in time and space deep underwater which allows for travel between the present day and the age of the dinosaurs.
The third part of the Gunnm series and set after Gunnm Last Order on Mars.
Space voyage, time travel, and mechanical technology to explore the unknown starry sea! After doomsday, mankind adventures into the universe. In the unexplored world, the power of space adaptors is awakened, beginning the macrocosm era.
A sci-fi where the bar for suspension of disbelief is set very high. Nakamaru Koutarou, a high schooler and skilled kendo practitioner, has his peaceful life shattered when a mysterious virus with a 94% infection-fatality rate puts Japanese society on the verge of collapse and threatens the whole world. Right when his little brother is infected, he is scouted by an organisation at the forefront of Japan's last ditch-effort against the virus: miniaturise a company of daredevil soldiers to capture the new life form that acts as carriers for the pathogen, so they can be used as a source for a vaccine/antiserum! No kidding. Enjoy.
When I wake up, everything is a mess. War? Extraterrestrial invasion? Whatever it is, I just need to take personal revenge.
When he was a child, Murakami was infatuated with a girl he called Kuroneko. She insisted on knowing about aliens and having met them, but no one believed her, even young Murakami was skeptical. One day, she decides to show him the aliens, but an accident occurs and Kuroneko dies while Murakami is left seriously wounded in the hospital. Years go by and Murakami obsesses on finding proof of the existence of aliens because of a promise he had made with Kuroneko. Then, one day, a new transfer student comes to his class, who not only looks a lot like Kuroneko, but is named Kuroha Neko! And even though she insists on never having met Murakami before, the girl has superhuman strength and seems to even be able to predict the future! How will Murakami's life change now that he has been saved by this mysterious girl that claims to be a magician?