Afflicted by a "mysterious illness," high school first year Kuroe has spent her entire life avoiding socializing with others. However, after coming into contact with Minami Arata, the most popular boy in school, something changes--and Kuroe's true powers are unleashed...
Yamabuki Aoi is an exceedingly withdrawn first-year high school student who lives together with her older sister Satsuki, a popular novelist. What will happen to their daily lives when, due to certain circumstances, Sara Flory, a little foreign girl, begins to live together with them?
The "Royal Anti Foreign Dangerous Species Knights" was formed to protect the people from dangerous monsters, however this is more of a black company and it's only a knight order in name only...!! Orcs that keep coming like pests no matter how many times they are taken down... salaries that don't increase at all... quirky co-workers... This is the story of the strongest swordman of a commoner background, who works hard everyday cutting orc's heads at the lowest knight order which is ridiculed as the "Pig Hunters". summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
New Nana & Kaoru's spinoff, serialized on the newly released (28/11/18) digital magazine "Harem" (ハレム), aiming at adults. The story takes place in the third year of high school, after the ending of the manga, but before Black Label (aka Arashi).
Girl who is only romantically attracted to snakes falls in love with her teacher.
Surrounded by beautiful seas, a port town in Tohoku where octopus fishing is thriving. Minami grew up there and works for his grandfather, Masayoshi, who runs a fishing business. Since his father disappeared without a trace, Masakichi has been his father figure. On Minami's 20th birthday, a mysterious man appears from the sea...? A story of bloody destiny begins!
Mrs. Kemo loves drinking tea at the cafe and potatoes. But one day, suddenly, she was appointed to subdue the giant! Suddenly, despite having caught only a butterfly before, Mrs. Kemo embarked on an adventurous journey!Overwhelmingly unpredictable developments and attractive and unique character modeling caused a big response on Twitter!!!!
One day, a college student named Murakami encounters a dragon named Ilsela who came from another world.Ilsela, who aims to be an 'Ichiryumae,' seems to want someone to 'adopt' them while they train in the human world...!?"Eating, sleeping, and playing with a dragon. A relaxed fantasy in a six-tatami room.
The story follows a pair of adventurers: one who is an alcoholic and one who is a heavy smoker. The two enter ancient dungeons to embark on bounty-hunting and house-hunting. ((
The stoy of an elf queen who got isekai'd from her world into our world. Her name is Lady Elfinn, our titular queen. And a sweet boy who believes in the Elf supremacy. His name is Isuzu. Their fates clash after Isuzu gets assigned to take care of Elfinn, and help her accomplish her task: To become the queen of the human world and to guide us into a better future. In order to help her with their final goal he proposes... To master the old ways of the S&M to conquer the world!? What awaits them in the future!!??
The story gets its roots from the actual street racing that occurs on Tokyo's Shuto Expressway, one stretch of which is known as the "Wangan", literally meaning "bay side" (although it is generally used to refer to the freeway), the longest, straightest road in the entire country. Of course, there's also lots of traffic to contend with, including a fair number of heavy trucks. Because of this, the action is inherently hazardous, and wrecks are common. Blown engines are also a frequent hazard, especially with the extreme-high power engines. One day, Akio Asakura, a third year high school student, is driving his Fairlady Z (Z31) and is challenged by Tatsuya Shima, a doctor, in his black Porsche 964 Turbo (nicknamed the "BlackBird"). With a friend in the passenger seat and two girls in the back, Akio pitifully tries to win, but is defeated. Determined to become faster, he goes to the junkyard to buy parts for his car, when he sees a pristine, unscratched midnight blue Fairlady Z (S30) in the junkyard. Intrigued as to why such a machine is about to be junked, he buys it. He soon finds that the car is unnaturally fast due to a tuned L28 engine, bored and stroked to 3.1 liters combined with twin turbos, which produces 620bhp. He also finds that all of the car's previous owners had unfortunate accidents in it, starting with the first owner's death. The manga follows Akio's various encounters, though the central plot revolves around his constant battle with the BlackBird for superiority.