The story revolves around Tsunashi, the child of royalty who was left behind in the lost kingdom of Karan. He is expected by those around him to awaken his great powers that sleep within him in order to revive the kingdom — but rather than fighting, Tsunan enjoys playing in the world of books. However, he must become serious soon, as a new army is threatening to invade Karan.[ANN]
Junior High student Nao's brother complex is so strong, it's almost at the point of incest. She's determined to make her brother, High School student Shuusuke, see her as a woman. So determined, that she goes as far as going into his room to throw away all his non-incest related porn. But as she's looking for his porno stash, she finds a photo album... and she's not in any of his childhood pictures. What is going on? Reading direction: Right to left
Collection of short stories published in Ghostly Magazine Yoo over the years.
Another Seven stories adapted from the horror of Hokazono Masaya. This is a continuation of it's prequel, Aka Ihon.
Yuuki Asuna was a top student who spent her days at cram school and preparing for her high school entrance exams–but that was before she borrowed her brother’s virtual reality game system and wound up trapped in Sword Art Online with ten thousand other frightened players. As time passes, Asuna fears what will become of her life outside the fantasy realm–the failure she might seem in the eyes of her peers and parents. Unwilling to wait on the sidelines for more experienced gamers to beat the game, Asuna employs her study habits to learn the mechanics of game–and swordplay. Her swiftness impresses Kirito, a pro gamer who invites Asuna to join the best players on the front lines. Is Asuna ready to swap class rankings for player rankings and join Kirito?
Developed by “God’s Domain Technologies”, virtual reality has taken the world by storm. The virtual world “Eden’s Paradise” is described as a mysterious and flawless universe, and has become the place that every gamer dreams of. Those in reality feel disappointment towards the real world, or want to escape from it, or are possessed by greed, or have dreams, or simply feel boredom - people with all these reasons challenge the trials to enter Eden’s Paradise one after the other.
An incomplete first volume was published in 2009. The series was finished and a complete anthology was published in 2016.
Hirayama, an aspiring manga writer, is thrilled to be chosen as a last minute replacement assistant for a celebrated manga writer he really admires. To his surprise, not only is his boss a woman, but she works semi-nude. In such a distracting environment, Hirayama must find a way to make a good showing of his ability.
Science fiction manga series about the discovery of a gateway in time and space deep underwater which allows for travel between the present day and the age of the dinosaurs.
It is 1943 in Soviet Russia during the war. Nadya, an officer, and Vasenka, a witch, are looking for their allies. All they can do is walk until they find them. In the mean time, they get into silly little adventures and experience some weird stuff.
Kensuke is your usual high schooler. He's unattractive, unreliable and leads a very boring life. This all changes in one night, when a goddess grants him his wish and makes him a popular guy. Soon after that girls start flocking to him like there is no tomorrow. The first dramatic change in his life came from his sister and the second was from a childhood friend that he had no idea. Things just don't stop there, soon all sort of weird girls come knocking at his door. These girls ranged from Nekomimi, Magical Shoujo etc. His love dramas filled life is about to begin...