From Anime News Network: The fantasy-themed story centers on a middle school student on the swim team during a mysterious summer vacation. While training at school during a drought a young girl faints from heat exhaustion. She instantly finds herself in the country side by a cool, clear river. Every time she falls asleep she is drawn deeper into this alternate setting.
On his first day of high school, Yuuya Ochi is shocked to discover that the girl sitting in front of him in class is actually a guy named Shigemitsu Izumi. Unable to simply ignore it like the other guys in class, Yuuya can't stop thinking about Izumi and wonders if he's actually a girl, especially after Yuuya sees Izumi waving to a good-looking guy who he suspects is Izumi's boyfriend. Intent to find out more about who Izumi really is, Yuuya follows him after school, only to end up being dropkicked by him over a misunderstanding. Izumi later tells Yuuya that he started cross-dressing to put his twin sister Yurika at ease, who is extremely afraid of guys. However, Izumi confides in Yuuya that he has one other reason why he cross-dresses, something Izumi has never told anyone else.
The story is about how and why a guy goes from a worker at a dead-end job to becoming a boxer.
From SRoMU: Kei is a high-school student bullied daily and none of his fellow classmates care. Worn down by those endless humiliations, he accepts the strange proposal of his childhood friend Akira : Suicide together to end this nightmare. But that day, Kei survives and Akira doesn't. Months later, the young man is shocked when he discovers on the net a website about street fighting. On several videos put online, a barely recognizable Akira gives a major beatdown to his opponents! What really happened? To discover the truth, Kei has only one solution: registering on that site and go from fight to fight to find the truth about Akira...
"EROS Survival" is a show broadcast over the internet where pair of players - a male and a female - compete for the grand prize of $1m! To win though the pairs must demonstrate both knowledge and skills in order to 'strip' their opponents, progress through the rounds and grab that super prize!
On the planet of Hekiou, there is a continuing war between the first wave of immigrants and the second. An important section of the military uses a native creature, the Niebass, to give its soldiers translocation abilities. These soldiers are all women, with the alien creature transplanted into their wombs. Some people see this practice as a violation of human women by aliens, and Mana Oga's boyfriend has a similar perspective on the matter. Mana Oga is a new soldier in this section, and the story follows her and the other women in her group who accept the alien creatures into their wombs in order to defend their homes.
An Ordinary kid Shinta likes to play with cats even though he cannot have one for a pet because of his father's allergies. Cats also like to play with Shinta... in more ways than one. For example, changing into a girl and becoming Shinta's girlfriend and generally trying to get him to reciprocate their catcalls, literally.
Hyakujyou Academy is a boarding school with state-of-the-art educational facilities where all students are provided with smartphones and an Artificial Intelligence-powered “Avatar” that supports their studies. This academy though has another feature that makes it completely different compared to other schools, a “Penalty System” which punishes students if they don’t meet the academy’s strict performance targets!
Her body is male. Her mind is female. And she's a lesbian! The story of how she remade her life in order to be an Office Lady, previously made famous through SNS as "Patchwork of Yorippi-chan's V*gina", now made book!
This is a heart filled and a little sexy story revolving around a high school girl Medaka Ogawa, and her friends Satomi and Rie. Join the trio on their high school experiences as they unfold. This is a story for the ages!!
The manga follows the daily life of an earnest, hardworking office lady named Kaoru and her otaku husband, who is totally immersed in a certain huge net bulletin board system.[ANN]
A redrawn variant of Chapter 1: Tragedy.