RPG inspired story follows unlikely 'heroes' to stop the Consultant's wicked plans! The six book series follows young adults living their ordinary, boring lives until certain 'events' occur at the arrival of 'Sceldrant's Comet'. Our heroes suddenly get transported to a world of 'Rostical' and need to find a way back home! Unfortunately, the warriors and the Consultants won't allow that to happen! Our heroes explore uncharted sanctums known as the Unknown Territories, each with an ancient glyph at the end. The Consultants have been activating these glyphs, one by one. The secret behind the glyphs are currently unknown.
From JMS: Based on the Sega Saturn game of the same name. The story follows the most troublesome class of the Magical School on the island of Yen and their adventure to understand each other and protect the island and school from the Vile Tribe.
A mountain spirit is strangely attracted to the club members of the Roman club in the high school near her shrine and thus begins all their adventures into the unknown.
I admit, when it comes to time travel, there must be some sort of cheat code. But seriously, which newbie mage only knows dark curses like “forbidden spells”? I’m human, not a dark lord! Oh well, I guess forbidden spells are pretty cool after all! Wo Zhen Bu Xiang Xue Jin Zhou, Wǒ Zhēn Bù Xiǎng Xué Jìn Zhòu, 我真不想学禁咒
An alternate retelling of Jungle Emperor, where Leo is sent to live with foster human parents in Japan by his parents.---**Volume 277 of the Osamu Tezuka Complete Works**
Universal Century 0079, the girl Mariko Zeon Elementary School sixth grade five,meets Red Comet is mounted on a white horse that gives magical powers. When the colony fell into crisis, Mariko, will be able to transform into an invincible Ensign Blaster Mari sexy. Mechanism to manipulate the "Zaku day (Suzaku immediately to one)," called the old Zaku. Gym and ball against federal troops in the colonies to the poor, work is in showing tremendous strength.
A girl joins the 'White Labcoat and Glasses' club to get closer to the upperclassman she's fallen for. She's then coerced into conducting an experiment in love with said upperclassman's younger brother...
From Beautiful Soup: "B Grade" is a manga that takes place a few years after the two lead males have graduated from high school. One of them came out in high school, and the other was a scary sempai who kind of took care of him. But now they meet at the same office, several years later, where the kouhai has yet to come out of the closet...
In a near future where humans have safely traveled to Mars, the space program is looking to go to Jupiter for the first time in history. For Subaru Yuuto, Amami Kousei, one of the elite astronauts of the crew of the Jupitneer (the ship heading to Jupiter), is not only a person that he looks up to but is also a dear friend of many years. But tragedy strikes and a malfunction causes an explosion in the Jupitneer and the ship goes missing in deep space, most believing the crew to be dead. Even with the devastating loss of a friend and hero, Yuuto joins the Core Space Academy to become a super class astronaut (aka Sirius) just like Kousei once was and explore parts of the universe that has not yet been known to man. The competition is cutthroat and he has to become the best of the best if he wants to be where his hero once was. Although the fear of the unknown is immense, Yuuto must learn to overcome it and become the hero for the next generation.
Ganota Utsuki is an odd one – she just started her new job at a new company and already she acts like she owns the place. And, she tends to live her life as if inspired by Gundam…
The protagonist Kairi, is a boy who works with the OIL stand. One day, Kairi finishes work, he encounters the girl called “Tia” who had a big sword. "Tia" had to search for her older brother whose the owner of the sword.
This is a prequel to Kimi no Ondo, with the other twin as the main character. -dropped-