In the world exist three species: the beasts, the humans, and the hunters. Since ages beasts have been the prey of hunters, and humans the prey of beats. The story follows a famous and powerful hunter nicknamed Little Red Riding Hood, whom the life will change the day he comes across a young beast werewolf girl...
The battle action manga tells the story of how humanity is threatened by monsters with overwhelming might called "Kijū." As the cities are destroyed and the people fall into despair, a rooster stands up to face against the threat. It is the story of how a single rooster saves humanity.
Three members of the 'Federation Survey Service', Rimia Greenwood, Led Wayline and Ashley Brown Brandon are charged with collecting data that will bring the dark parts of the end of the one year war to light. Among their subjects of interest is a man named 'Johnny Ridden'. Who was this enigmatic man that seems to be shrouded in mystery. note: this manga is heavy on the mech schematics taking up many pages to describe each mech model.
A story about two people with mental problems protecting everything they left with their only method, playing ping pong.
In a ruined world, a human girl, Lu, and a droid, Zet, live a humble life. Then one day, they encounter a mysterious new droid, Chrome... Now all three of them live together like a family, but then...
A young boy who wants to make friends through standing out with his proudly invented gadgets meets a dragon girl (more accurately, a Zmeu) who clearly stands out no matter how much she tries to hide. What will the encounter between these two bring?
Higurashi Tsugumi lost his parents and maidservant in a fire when he was still young. He's now 15 and a promising new writer, however, he's been stuck in a slump for the past year. He decides to go back to his old family home in order to gain inspiration by reminiscing on his happy past. Unbeknownst to him, he would be greeted with an unexpected surprise from his childhood...
Erika Sakura is the school's most popular female high schooler, and only met with envious gazes since she is out of everyone's league. However, she is recently interested in a certain male high schooler who can't read between the lines, Kuzumi. While having a relationship between the two is out of the question, her unrequited love will soon change in this romantic comedy. Follow this new inevitably heart pounding, out-of-contact short love comedy! - aaseschweitz
Strange things are happening all over town, and Kouichi Amano's nightmares have started again. Several clans have been spurred into action as the past gradually resurfaces. Just what is going on, and how do the Amano brothers fit into the picture?
I am Daisy von Preslaria. Even though I was born in a viscount family that produces excellent magicians, I was the only one in my family that was granted the failure job, Alchemist.Since this has happened, I'm going to try studying hard and becoming independent as a worthy alchemist!The five-year-old girl so resolved and began to make potions by trial and error. Thanks to the Appraisal skill that she secretly possessed, let alone failures, her finished products were of such high quality never seen anywhere!She cultivated medicinal herbs, indulged herself in research, went harvesting, and opened a store.This is a story of an alchemist living carefreely, sometimes fervently, while being helped by various people (including non-humans, too).
A libido-fueled art comedy featuring the secret art club activities of a delinquent girl and the boy who will make her his masterpiece.
From tethysdust at MangaHelpers: Minaguchi Kaoru is nothing special. He's no good at sports or school, isn't in any clubs, and he's not popular. He has no friends and isn't even interested in any of the girls he knows. He's also teased due to the fact that he loves shoujo manga. Unlike the harem daydreams of his peers, he dreams of finding his true love. Unfortunately, a shinigami comes to kill him, simply because he's a "forever alone" sort of guy. When he gasps out his intention of embracing life with his final breaths, though, she takes it back! As long as he follows through on his intentions, he won't be killed. To convince the shinigami that his plans are genuine, he declares that he will confess to the girl he likes, the very next day. Expecting failure with confessing to random girls in his school, he sends out love letters to four different girls. To his surprise, they all agree to be his girlfriend. Now, this shoujo-manga-loving guy has ended up in a kind of harem story, quadruple-timing four girls! Will he be able to stay involved enough with society to avoid an early death?