Supernatural - Page 7

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A Falling Cohabitation

? housewarming party with ? 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A False Confession

I confessed. I couldn't do it while sober, so I took a shot of liquid courage. “I like you.” “Why?” “I just like everything about you.” “... I don't understand.” Something's strange. His voice is deeper, his height slightly different, and his physique even more so. In fact, after a closer look, even the hair color that reflected the moonlight⁠—this is crazy. It’s someone else. It's none other than Duke Cabel Willard whose known as the 'Grim Reaper' of the battlefields. “Cabel.” “... Excuse me?” “From now on, don't refer to me by any strange titles. Call me by name instead.” The corners of his lips that were always frozen stiffly curved into a smile. It seemed like he would immediately kill me if the truth of my false confession was brought to light.


A Fish Came

You are already a fish in my fish bowl. I am originally a fish.


A Fisherman's Dream

A yokai and a fisherman fell in love, and thus a naughty flower was born.


A Former Hero Returning From Another World Gets Involved In A Death Game

He was living a peaceful life as any normal high schooler would, until one day he and his classmates were suddenly brought to uninhabited island. “I’ll have you kill each other until there’s only one of you remaining.” Hearing these words from the man strangely dressed in a military uniform, his classmates panicked. Yes, he was setting up the stage for a death game. One where the strong devoured the weak. The weak would die without mercy and only the strong would taste victory. That was the plan. However, they were unaware that the hero who was hailed as the strongest had just recently returned from another world. The organizers behind the game were already out of luck by the time the game started as the expectations they had for death game that they had worked so desperately to set up would be unwittingly crushed before them.


A Foxy Affair

Read “A Foxy Affair Novel” – “A Foxy Affair Manga” Online Free At Hari Manga The Summary Of The Comic A Foxy Affair: [30,000 Golden Coins, Is It Really Possible?] Seol Yoo-Yeon, A Young Killer, Receives A Request For 30,000 Gold While Drunk. But The Stipulation That The Target Must Be Killed As An Act Of Revenge Is Bizarre. Unable To Break The Contract, She Disguises Herself As A New Bride And Enters Mr. Zhu’s Mansion, Where She Finds Out That Her Client, Brother Lee Hyun, And Her Target, Brother Lee Hwi Are Sharing A Body. The Older Brother, Lee Hyun, Says That In Order To Sweeten The Younger Brother’s Body, Lee Hwi Should Avoid The Groom For A While And Take Lessons From Him. She Thought She Only Had To Do It With The Target, But Now She Has To Do It With The Client Too? To Make Matters Worse, They Say That They Are Fox Gods Who Have Lived For A Thousand Years… No Matter That Seol Yu-Yeon Is The Best Killer In The World, Is This Assassination Even Really Possible?! “A Foxy Affair” Is Also Known As: Fox House / Fox Mansion / Fox Palace / Le Manoir Des Renards / Yeou Jeotaeg / Yeoujeotaeg / ตำหนักจิ้งจอก / 여우 저택 / 여우저택 The Comic “A Foxy Affair” Belongs To The Genre: Adaptation, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Manhwa, Mature, Romance, Smut, Supernatural “Harimanga, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Kun Manga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging


A Genius’ Isekai Overlord Legend – Fist Of The North Star: Amiba Gaiden – Even If I Go To Another World, I Am A Genius!! Huh? Was I Mistaken…

A Genius Isekai Overlord Legend Fist of the North Star: Amiba Gaiden Even if I Go to Another World, I Am a Genius!! Huh? Was I Mistaken manga, Fist of the North Star Side Story: Genius Amiba's Another World Overlord Legend Even If I Go to Another World, I Am a Genius!! Huh? Was I MistakenHokuto no Ken Gaiden: Taisen Amiba no Isekai Ha Densetsu Isekai ni Itte mo Ore wa Tensai da!! N? Machigatta ka naThe unprecedented "Fist of the North Star" spin-off!! "Fist of the North Star" x "Another World", a forbidden combination of different kinds! Amiba is the main character! He was defeated by Kenshiro and died but then he woke up in another world for some reason!? Genius fighter Amiba's great adventure in another world begins now!


A Guide Thicker Than Blood

One day, Fabian suddenly presents as an Esper.The only thing more awkward and inconvenient then his new-found abilities is Conrad, the S-Class guide who insists on giving Fabian special treatment.Treating Fabian as his partner, Conrad’s aim is his S-Class abilities, healthy body, and his blood?!“You have the most delicious blood I’ve ever tasted.”Can Fabian protect himself from a Guide who is after both his chastity and his blood?


A Gust of Wind Blows at Daybreak

A child who bring misfortune to those close to him and his friend embark on a thrilling journey to solve the mysteries in their lives.


A Heroic Tale About Starting With a Personal Relations Cheat(Ability) and Letting Others Do the Job

The hero and weapon are the strongest connections! An exhilarating fantasy that lurks from the back of the world! Ned, a young man who has been behind many of the world's greatest achievements, using a weapon known as human networking. One day, however, he is judged by the selfish king to be a liability and expelled from the heroic party. Ned decides to start as an adventurer from scratch. But his life as an adventurer is naturally out of the ordinary, as he is adored and connected with everyone from the leader of the knights to the princess of the mermaid tribe... 'Can I get help from the Wisdom King and the Great Sage to find this person?' Meanwhile, the King is coming to a realization. The heroes' party was full of capable, but incredibly problematic children, and that it was Ned that controlled them.. Thus opens a new story of a hero who changes the world from behind the scenes with his motto of "using connections".


A House in Venice

An art college students moves in Venice to study, she starts to live in her new room, part of an old huge historical mansion and she discovers a new world of secrets linked to her young, mysterious landlord. A gothic romance story and a vampire tale which flows around Venetian laguna and roman museums; a manga rich of suggestions and images with a passional storytelling, a deep noir drawing style and melancholic mood. From Italians to Japanese. This was created for Kodansha, published on Amie. You read it Japanese style.



The story is about a little Master, Gong Yao Ying, in order to accomplish the assigned tasks, she travels across the different periods. The stories are created after meeting with the famous historical figures.
